Latinos Peddling Racism Further Divides Our City

  By: Atty. Robert O’Koniewski – February, 2007 Recently a local Latino publication bemoaned in inflammatory racist terms the development of the Wood Mill by Robert Ansin. The writer speculated that the development would lead to an influx of 500-600 white residents into Lawrence. The writer was rather upset that this anticipated white migration into […]

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL: Lawrence Cabbie is no Criminal

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL February – 2007  Here we go again in Lawrence where the victim is arrested and treated like the criminal, instead of focusing on the real criminals.  Last year, hero Marine Dan Cotnoir was arrested and charged with attempted murder for defending himself and his family when kids outside his apartment on Broadway […]

While Blanchette Attacks City Worker for Office Renovations His Own Office Gets $16K Makeover

While Blanchette Attacks City Worker for Office Renovations His Own Office Gets $16K Makeover

        By: Tom Duggan – January, 2007 While other communities are making cuts in their budgets and forcing some layoffs, Lawrence continues to spend on unnecessary items. Recently, DPW spent its time, resources and money to remodel and make improvements to the City Council chambers and the City Council office floors at […]

Valley Patriot Editorial: The Only Thing Wrong With Hanging Saddam… It was To Good for Him

  January 01, 2007  The New York Times editorial staff, in what could only be excused by a pre-New Years Eve drinking binge, complained in its December 29th editorial that Saddam’s trial was “flawed” and that the Iraqi government didn’t punish him in a way that “nurtured hope for a better future.”  The standard set […]

Valley Patriot Editorial: People Finally Prevail Over Cowardly Legislature

  January 01, 2007  In a surprise action, on January 2nd the Constitutional Convention of the Massachusetts Legislature actually voted to move forward a citizen petition to amend the state constitution on the definition of marriage. The constitution itself, in Article 48, requires the ConCon legislators to vote up or down on a citizen initiative […]

Lawrence City Council, Please! Just Shut Up and Vote!

PAYING ATTENTION WITH TOM DUGGAN   By: Tom Duggan – December, 2006 The grandstanding, self praise and speech-making at Lawrence City Council meetings have got to stop!  Too often these meetings go on for hours with no end in sight because certain councilors have a deep personal need to speak on every single issue whether […]

Valley Patriot Editorial: Methuen City Councilors Should Butt Out

Valley Patriot Editorial: Methuen City Councilors Should Butt Out

December, 2006  Last month, Methuen city councilors tried to inject themselves into the so-called controversy between Police Chief Joe Solomon and the officers and union members under his command.  What’s more, they tried to subvert the Methuen City Charter by interfering with Mayor Bill Manzi’s clearly defined duties as the chief executive officer of the […]

Call it What it is: Jew Hatred

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL November, 2006  The anti-Semitic hate group “Wheels of Justice” was recruited to speak to the children of Andover High School by their equally anti-Semitic physics teacher, Ron Francis. And when the principal canceled the group’s visit because no opposing views were being represented, these so-called “peace activists” had to be escorted out […]

Just Admit it…. You Really Don’t Care!

Just Admit it…. You Really Don’t Care!

PAYING ATTENTION! With TOM DUGGAN   By: Tom Duggan – November, 2006 BACKGROUND….. Upon learning that Deval Patrick had fought to free admitted cop killer Carl Roy Songer, I, like many of you, was outraged that this man was a finalist for the top seat at the State House in Massachusetts. Songer pumped five bullets into Florida State Trooper Ronald Smith […]

The Candidates on Illegal Aliens

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL   October, 2006  When it comes to issues of illegal aliens in Massachusetts, the views of Democrat candidate for governor Deval Patrick and the Republican candidate Kerry Healey could not be more different.  If you believe illegal aliens ought to have a driver’s license or be awarded in-state tuition, then your candidate […]

The Valley Patriot Hits a Milestone!

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL 10/03/06 While most businesses in the United States fail within their first year, The Valley Patriot seems to have been a success from our very first edition. In March of 2004, The Valley Patriot published our very first edition and most people were predicting our failure within six months. We printed up […]

Who Was Disingenuous?

September, 2006 At North Andover’s June 5th Annual Town meeting, the School Committee threatened to cut 23 classroom teachers if its budget was reduced from its original request to the “To Be Balanced” amount, despite an earlier presentation by members Ormsby, Kelly, and parent Diana Headrick showing that these cuts could be avoided by accepting […]