No Oversight Over State Dental and Medical Board is The Biggest Barrier

No Oversight Over State Dental and Medical Board is The Biggest Barrier

By: Bharani Padmanabhan – Aug 2019 Governor Charlie Baker did nothing over four long years to fix fundamental regulatory problems at the RMV. This led directly to seven innocent people being killed. Charlie owns those deaths. In order to escape censure and future oversight from the Legislature, Charlie bribed them by signing the budget without […]

How to be Conscientious on the Road: From the Point of View of a New Teen Driver ~ TEEN TALK with ABBY

How to be Conscientious on the Road: From the Point of View of a New Teen Driver ~ TEEN TALK with ABBY

By: Abby Junkvorian – Aug. 2019 Almost every time I drive, I become increasingly more and more nervous and cautious of the motorized world around me. After recently receiving my license, I have become acutely more aware of how truly recklessly and dangerously people are driving. I thought that as a new driver who recently […]

102 Infantry Division, Crossing the Rhine into Germany with Bob Chase ~ VALLEY PATRIOT OF THE MONTH, HERO IN OUR MIDST

102 Infantry Division, Crossing the Rhine into Germany with Bob Chase ~ VALLEY PATRIOT OF THE MONTH, HERO IN OUR MIDST

By: John Cuddy – August, 2019 Living throughout the Merrimack Valley, with his family during his adult life, originally from Lynn, Massachusetts, Robert was born on July 17, 1926 and is a graduate of Lynn English High School. He served in the US Army in the European Theater during the Second World War with the […]

Trail Project Full of Surprises in Dracut

Trail Project Full of  Surprises in Dracut

By: Brian Genest, August, 2019 Have you ever dealt with the Conservation Commission in Dracut? Did the board require staked haybales and siltation fence for your project? Would you be surprised to find out the town didn’t comply with that standard requirement or other environmental regulations for its own Beaver Brook trail project? “Where we […]

Ethics and Reason – the Forgotten Bridge Between Politics & Religion ~ BENEATH THE SURFACE with PAUL MURANO

Ethics and Reason – the Forgotten Bridge Between Politics & Religion ~ BENEATH THE SURFACE with PAUL MURANO

By: Paul Murano – August, 2019 The following two questions are related – the first was priority in premodern philosophy, the second is in modern philosophy: 1. How should people behave? 2. What behaviors ought to be allowed? The first question is ethical – the science of self governance. The second is political – the […]

Latino Underrepresentation in Methuen’s Municipal Govt.

Latino Underrepresentation in Methuen’s Municipal Govt.

By: Tomas Michel – August, 2019 Municipal governments should embody the view of its constituency and promote inclusion of the different segments of its residents. Ensure that policies and procedures update as it does their population’s demographics, and viewpoints. Educate voters effectively about matters at stake. And lastly, to ensure the determent of consent and […]

Balanced State Budget Includes Major Increase in Education Funding

Balanced State Budget Includes Major Increase in Education Funding

By: State Rep. Linda Dean Campbell The State Legislature approved a $43.1 billion budget for the fiscal year that began on July 1, 2019. The balanced budget, which Governor Charlie Baker approved without any spending vetoes, greatly increases funding for education, continues to address the opioid epidemic and the critical need for more affordable housing, […]

Legislation to Prevent Another Columbia Gas Disaster ~ IN YOUR CORNER with SENATOR DIANA DIZOGLIO

Legislation to Prevent Another Columbia Gas Disaster  ~ IN YOUR CORNER with SENATOR DIANA DIZOGLIO

  Hello Valley Patriot Readers, The devastating events of September 18, 2018, which destroyed homes and buildings in communities in North Andover, Lawrence and Andover will be long remembered. With negligible assistance from the Columbia Gas, residents turned to social media for help and called daily for relief from my office. Not only was restoration […]

Outlaw Murder So There Will Be No More Death ~VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL, Aug, 2019

Outlaw Murder So There Will Be No More Death ~VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL, Aug, 2019

August, 2019 It has become comical watching feckless and ignorant politicians having knee- jerk reactions every time there’s a mass shooting. They trip over themselves to get in front of a TV camera to exploit murder victims for political gain before the bodies are even cold. Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren shamelessly took to twitter within […]

An Imperfect Independence Denies A Doctor Basic Rights

An Imperfect Independence Denies A Doctor Basic Rights

By: Bharani Padmanabhan – July, 2019 This month, as the nation celebrates Independence from England, as my friend Kevin Leach correctly insists, we must also consider the sectors of the country where the founding principles are still observed only in the breach. I have written here earlier about progressive Massachusetts’ medical board coercing, on behalf […]

“Grindr App Hinders LGBTQ Users’ Mental Health”

“Grindr App Hinders LGBTQ Users’ Mental Health”

By: Tomas Michele There are approximately 394,000 adults in the state of Massachusetts that identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual or trans. Making us the second gayest state in the nation, according to a report by the Boston Indicators and Fenway Institute. A 6.4% of the state’s self-identified queer population resides in the Essex County; hence […]

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