Torture at the Hands of the IRS

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL   April, 2004 While working on your Federal tax returns you may come across the following general rule taken verbatim from Title 26, Subtitle A, Chapter 1, Subchapter Q, Part II, Section 1311 (a): General rule — If a determination (as defined in section 1313) is described in one or more of […]

Lawrence School Committee Bills Taxpayers for Fine Dining

Tom Duggan 03-08-04 For the past three years members of the Lawrence School Committee have been billing the taxpayers for plush dining at the city’s most expensive restaurant: One Mill Street. Then School Committeemen Noah Shannon, Pedro Arce, Suzanne Piscitello, Nancy Kennedy and current member George Gonzalez all dined with Superintendent Wilfredo Laboy and his […]

The Havok Wrought by Modern Math – THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX

The Havok Wrought by Modern Math – THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX

    By: Dr. Charles Ormsby – March, 2004 If you are a parent of elementary school children, you’ve probably seen it: elaborate make-work homework assignments, cutting and pasting extravaganzas, overly complex and roundabout procedures to add or multiply numbers, estimation exercises that won’t quit, and the use of calculators in place of traditional arithmetic […]

Specious Education (a.k.a. Special Education) – Thinking Outside the Box

THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX   By: Dr. Charles Ormsby – January, 2004 Specious: Adj. 1. Seemingly fair, attractive, sound or true, but actually not so. While “Specious” may not describe Special Education perfectly, it comes pretty close. Special Education is not fair, attractive, or sound, and any claim that it is an effective way to […]

Why the Left Hates America

Why do they Hate you so much Mr. President?    By: Tom Duggan This column was originally posted on in November of 2003.  Yesterday, a reporter asked President Bush why the protesters hate him so much. Bush gave the diplomatic answer, saying that “freedom is wonderful” and reminding the world that the people of […]

Resolving Common Education Policy Issues Through Increased Choice

THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX   By: Chuck Ormsby – November, 2003  Society is constantly faced with vexing questions related to public education policies. Should we institute a common uniform for students? Should we spend more on mathematics and science, or on social studies? Should we increase spending on students that work harder and achieve more, […]

Lawrence Forces Injured Officers to Sue For Disability Benefits Due Them

Just Who or What is Meditrol Inc.?   By: Tom Duggan (originally published in 2003,  The only people who seem to care about the answer to that question are the politicians and the men and women of the Lawrence Police Department.  Meditrol Inc., is a billing and management company that contracts with the City […]

North Andover School Committee, Six Months Later

THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX By: Dr. Charles Ormsby – October 2003 Having been portrayed as the Slash and Burn Candidate for School Committee, I’m happy to report that, after six months “in office” (Unfortunately for me but fortunately for the taxpayers, I didn’t actually get an office), the schools seemed to have escaped without serious […]

How to Debunk a Socialist with a Few Easy Questions … Or … What I learned at Bread and Roses

How to Debunk a Socialist with a Few Easy Questions … Or … What I learned at Bread and Roses

Originally published on, 09/09/03 Socialists, Communists, Marxists and other liberty hating ideologues were out in full force at Lawrence’s Bread and Roses festival again this year. It is a festival rooted in celebrating the formation of unions in Lawrence and is usually hijacked by political groups with very unrealistic ideas. This is a real […]

Council to Hear from Public on Voter ID

Council to Hear from Public on Voter ID

  By: Tom Duggan (originally published on 05/19/03) The Lawrence City Council will hold a public hearing Tuesday night on a proposal to require all Lawrence residents to show photo identification before they vote … just as Lawrence residents who are Dominican citizens must show n ID when they vote in Lawrence for the […]

Hack Squad Comes Out for Mike Sullivan

By: Tom Duggan – August, 2001 Originally published on line on  Mayoral candidate Mike Sullivan held a fund raiser last week at the Lawrence British Club on Cambridge Street. Almost every political hack in the city was in attendance. City workers from almost every department in city hall packed the club in order show […]

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