Distorting the Record, Political Deceptions – Valley Patriot Columnist Apologizes to Rep. Campbell, The Truth on the Gas and Sales Tax

Distorting the Record, Political Deceptions – Valley Patriot Columnist Apologizes to Rep. Campbell, The Truth on the Gas and Sales Tax

Political Deceptions Valley Patriot columnist and member of the Methuen School Committee, DJ Deeb wrote in his column this month that voters should choose Republican candidates in the upcoming state elections. Deeb listed a number of reasons to make his case, but is now issuing a public apology to Democrat State Representative Linda Dean Campbell […]

MassFiscal Alliance & Other Groups Exploring Legal Challenge To $15,000 Union Donation Limit

MassFiscal Alliance & Other Groups Exploring Legal Challenge To $15,000 Union Donation Limit

Loopholes permits unions huge unfair advantage over individuals Boston, MA: good-government policies, and the Goldwater Institute, a public policy advocacy and research organization, announced today that they are further studying the next steps toward filing a lawsuit to challenge the legality of the Massachusetts campaign finance rule that allows unions to donate $15,000 in a […]

Tax Day Rally “Unburdening the Next Generation”

  By: Christine Morabito – April 2013 Please join the Tea Party and other liberty-minded groups as we gather on the Boston Common April 13. The Parkman Bandstand will be rocking with live music from starting at noon from People’s Blowback, and then a variety of speakers from 1-3 p.m. The theme is “Unburdening the […]