Methuen Councilor Calls for Police Investigation of McQuillan’s Interference in Hiring Process

ANOTHER… VALLEY PATRIOT EXCLUSIVE! By: Tom Duggan – March 29, 2013 Less than a day after the Valley Patriot broke a story about Methuen City Solicitor Peter McQuillan interfering with the hiring process for his replacement, City Councilor Tom Ciulla is calling for a police investigation into McQuillan’s actions.  The Valley Patriot revealed Thursday night […]

“Harassed” Secretary in Methuen Gets Workers’ Comp

By: Tom Duggan – April, 04, 2006 Fulya Metin, the former secretary for the city of Methuen, who alleged sexual harassment against then City Solicitor Maurice Leriviere, has been awarded workers’ compensation benefits.  After claiming that she could no longer work comfortably in the same office where Solicitor Lariviere had allegedly “harassed” her (even though […]