Would Reagan Be Too Liberal for Today’s GOP?

Would Reagan Be Too Liberal for Today’s GOP?

BY: LENNY MIRRA, STATE REPRESENTATIVE, (R) Newbury As we get closer to the 2016 elections we will start to see the media repeating a tired old trope about today’s Republican party being too extreme to get elected, the implication being that today’s GOP is so conservative, so right wing, that they are unelectable because they […]

The Choice is so Clear — I Can See Reagan from My House (Opinion)

The Choice is so Clear — I Can See Reagan from My House (Opinion)

By: Christine Morabito – September 7, 2012  Toastmasters must be having a field day. The “ums” and “ahs” liberally applied to President Obama’s debate rhetoric proved he is lost without his teleprompter. By contrast, during the first presidential debate, Mitt Romney appeared poised and confident, and projected a likeable image, very unlike the mean-spirited, out-of-touch […]