RELIGION: Many Voices!

RELIGION: Many Voices!

By: Peter Larocque – 5/24 Greetings and God Bless every one of you in Jesus Mighty Name! Let us get right into it! There are many voices on Television, Radio, and The Internet, Social Media, and Streaming Platforms like YouTube, Blogs, and Podcast! All having someone expressing, I have got a word from the Lord […]

Alabama Supreme Court Ruling and the Future of IVF ~ BENEATH THE SURFACE with PAUL MURANO

Alabama Supreme Court Ruling and the Future of IVF ~ BENEATH THE SURFACE with PAUL MURANO

  By: Paul Murano – 03/24 One of the more consequential rulings of the past century quietly took place in a state court recently, and it could potentially make overturning Roe v. Wade look like child’s play. The Alabama Supreme Court ruled that frozen embryos conceived by the in-vitro fertilization (IVF) process are human children […]

What if God Was One of Us? ~ BENEATH THE SURFACE with PAUL MURANO

What if God  Was One of Us? ~ BENEATH THE SURFACE with PAUL MURANO

By: Paul Murano – 12-23 Let’s play an imagination game. Let’s imagine that the invisible almighty Creator of the universe, who infinitely transcends the created order of time, space and matter, decided to become part of His creation. Like an author who writes Himself into his own novel, or an artist who paints himself into […]

Losing Touch with Reality ~ BENEATH THE SURFACE with PAUL MURANO

Losing Touch with Reality ~ BENEATH THE SURFACE with PAUL MURANO

By: Paul Murano – March. 2021 The first amendment of the U.S. Constitution prohibits the federal government from establishing a particular religious denomination as the state religion. Eventually, this notion became known as separation of church and state. Despite the fact that “separation” is not a Constitutional concept, the founding fathers believed religious denominations should […]

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