Loopholes permits unions huge unfair advantage over individuals Boston, MA: good-government policies, and the Goldwater Institute, a public policy advocacy and research organization, announced today that they are further studying the next steps toward filing a lawsuit to challenge the legality of the Massachusetts campaign finance rule that allows unions to donate $15,000 in a […]
By: Christine Morabito – July, 2014 After years of harassment by special interest groups, Walmart is fighting back. As with most bullies, the claims they make have less to do with reality than with bolstering the tormentor’s self-esteem. This was evident in Timothy Egan’s New York Times op-ed, June 19, 2014, entitled “The Corporate […]
By: Christine Morabito – January 2014 Raising the minimum wage – sounds like a good idea. Fair? Compassionate? Would you feel differently if you knew it would hurt the very people it claims to help? If you were to peek behind the curtain, you might see your favorite politician in the warm embrace of the […]
BOSTON – Unions and associations reported making $782,052 in independent expenditures to support or oppose 114 legislative candidates this year. In addition, five Independent Expenditure Political Action Committees, known as Super PACs, reported $200,923 in expenditures. Independent expenditures are expenditures made to expressly advocate the election or defeat of candidates, and are made without […]
Unions: the Good, the Bad, & the Ugly THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX By: Dr. Charles Ormsby – March, 2011 The right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness is cherished by all Americans. To protect this right our Constitution restricted the powers of the federal government by enumerating its only powers. This restricted […]
THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX Reduce the Sales Tax to 3% — Vote YES on Question 3 By: Dr. Charles Ormsby – September, 2010 Why does unemployment in Massachusetts average 16% higher than unemployment in New Hampshire? Why have so many large retail stores fled the Merrimack Valley just to be resurrected in Salem, Plaistow […]