Moon Walking While the World Burns

Moon Walking While the World Burns

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL   July, 2009 Less than a week ago, the world’s news outlets were filled with the sights and sounds of heroic Iranian citizens risking, and in many cases losing, their lives for freedom. Their government, intent upon perpetuating a seventh century philosophy that denies basic human liberties, had hijacked an election and then proceeded to brutally suppress the resulting protest […]

Lawrence Fined Nearly $50K for Failing to Test Drinking Water for Ecoli

Lawrence Fined Nearly $50K for Failing to Test Drinking Water for Ecoli

  By: Tom Duggan – July, 2009 Documents obtained by The Valley Patriot last month revealed that operators at the City of Lawrence’s brand new $26 million water treatment facility failed to test the city’s drinking water for a bacteria called E.coli from July 2008 to February 2009. The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) […]

Finegold Benefitted from Campaign material printed by the Lawrence Public Schools

Finegold Benefitted from Campaign material printed by the Lawrence Public Schools

By: Tom Duggan – July, 2009 An investigation by the Massachusetts office of Campaign and Political Finance may not have issued their report yet on which elected officials benefited from campaign material printed in the Lawrence Public Schools I’m gong to tell you who they right now. At least three members of the Lawrence School Committee (Morris, Larocque and Mejia) benefited from literature printed […]

Lawrence Community Works Raising Money for Lantigua

Lawrence Community Works Raising Money for Lantigua

    By: Tom Dugan – July, 2009 You have to hand it to the poverty pimps at Lawrence Community Works, they really know how to pull a fast one. Last month LCW started their sham campaign called “Yes We Will” where they invited every candidate for office to attend an event so they could size up the competition for their […]