Lawrence’s Enterprise Orphanages

Lawrence’s Enterprise Orphanages

  By; Peter Larocque – August, 2o12 That’s right, folks! I said orphanages. Lawrence, the nation’s first planned industrial city; which was once known for its massive mills lining the Merrimack River producing textiles for American and European markets, is now a mere shadow of its former self. Only time will tell whether or not […]

Defining the Machine

  By: Patrick Barron & Christopher Maider – August, 2012 In 2010 America elected a new breed of Congressional and Senatorial Representatives. The idea and the hope was that they would bring back accountability to the legislative process. They would be accountable to the people who elected them. The ‘Tea Party’ moniker that was attached to […]

Valley Advocates Lead the Way in Child Protection Legislation

Valley Advocates Lead the Way in Child Protection Legislation

  By; Eva Montabello – July, 2012 For more than a decade several pieces of child protection legislation have been in front of Massachusetts’s leadership, typically dying in the Judiciary Committee. Finally, many pieces of legislation are progressing through the process with help from Merrimack Valley advocates Laurie Myers, Founder and President of VOICES, Joseph […]

Union Thuggery: Coming to a Town Near You!

  By: Eric Fisher – August, 2011 If it can happen to Newburyport, it can happen to YOU. Notice it says, “to Newburyport” because Electrician’s Union IBEW Local 103 has decided that since it lost a bid to work on Newburyport’s Anna Jaques Hospital, that it’s going to make not only the hospital but also […]

Distinguished Dignitaries Receive High Honors At ACONE Luncheon

Distinguished Dignitaries Receive High Honors At ACONE Luncheon

July, 2012 Two nationally recognized personalities received awards at the prestigious Cabot Awards sponsored by ACONE, (Aero Club of New England.) Herb Kelleher Founder and Chairman Emeritus of Southwest Airlines, received the coveted Cabot Award from Dan Schrager, Acone president and John G.L. Cabot for his dynamic leadership in making Southwest the 5th largest airline […]

Are you Constipated?

Are you Constipated?

  Dr. Jin Sung – July, 2012 Constipation is a very common problem, but fortunately is one that can usually be easily remedied with lifestyle changes. Ironically, one of the biggest hindrances to your success may be not realizing you’re constipated in the first place. Conventional medicine typically defines constipation as fewer than two or […]

Managing Pain in HIV Positive Patients

Managing Pain in HIV Positive Patients

The Doctor is IN     By; Dr. Rami Rustim – July, 2102 In the early 1980s, HIV infection emerged as a rapidly progressive, terminal illness for which treatment was limited to the alleviation of pain and other symptoms at the end of life. The development of effective combination antiretroviral therapy (ART) in the mid-1990s […]

Hot Diggity, it’s HOT!

Hot Diggity, it’s HOT!

By: Tracy Zysk – July, 2012 Wow! The next couple of days may be record breaking HOT!! Summer vacation is here and everyone is enjoying this beautiful weather. We are planning our trips to the beach, hanging out at the pool and cooking on the grill. With all this excitement are you remembering your pets? […]

The Real War on Women

  By: Paul Murano – June, 2012 People feel most offended when they know deep in their heart something is true. Consider this point as you read this column. In the heat of a political year when Democrats concoct a war on women and Republicans deny it, we ask the question: Is there a war […]

The Road to Beacon Hill is Paved with Mediocre Intentions

  By: Karin Rhoton – June, 2012 Somehow the rhetoric never changes, even though the calendar does. Another year has gone by and still the taxpayers of Massachusetts continue to fund pet projects of politicians instead of funding services and programs for the communities in which they live. Still the taxpayers have not seen the […]

The current state of activism in Lawrence

The current state of activism in Lawrence

  By: Joe D’Amore – June, 2012 The community action movements that swept Lawrence “It’s Your Right” and “Uniting Lawrence” appear to have initated derivative actions that speak to a yearning for change in this city. These have manifested themselves in unique ways such as a proliferation of Face Book groups, radio programs, letter writing […]

Who is Minding the Store in Methuen?

  By: Ken Willette – June, 2012 I have observed with great dissatisfaction political decisions being considered or enacted by our local leadership in Methuen. With each questionable decision, I have come to the same conclusions: when are real government reforms going to be implemented and how much will these recent actions to augment the […]