Fitness Together-N.A. Launches Type 2 Diabetes Study – Invites Local Residents to Participate

  By: Tracey Zysk – December, 2010 North Andover, Mass. Some of the newest clients exercising at Fitness Together in North Andover are doing more than stepping on a scale to chart their progress. They’re giving blood. They are part of a type 2 diabetes observational study being conducted by area Fitness Together studios to […]

Shaky new standards for college readiness

  By: Sandra Stotsky – November, 2010 SPECIAL TO THE VALLEY PATRIOT “Dr. Ormsby is taking the month off to assess the existential meaning of the election results. He will return in December.” A mesmerizing phrase regularly rolls off the tongues of education experts these days. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan used it in a […]

My Sweet Lani

My Sweet Lani

  By: Tracey Zysk – September, 2010 On August 28, 2010 my life changed forever….my sweet Lani arrived! At 2:15 pm on this beautiful Saturday afternoon there were approximately fifteen cars lined up along the side of the road waiting for the transport bus to pull in. Anxiously waiting we were all standing around asking […]

In the Name of Patriotism

In the Name of Patriotism

  By: Dani Langevin, Valley Patriot Lesbian Columnist – September, 2010 What is patriotism today? From what I can see it is fear, bigotry and ignorance. This came to my attention when someone on Face book, in a discussion about the Muslim Mosque possibly being erected at the 9/11 site, said, “Can anyone imagine AMERICANS […]

Being the Candidates Son!

Being the Candidates Son!

By: Zeke Golnik – September, 2010 Hi my name is Zeke Golnik and my dad, Jon Golnik is running for Congress in the 5th district of Massachusetts. My dad is a hard working man who is unhappy about our country right now and wants to make it a better place for me and my sister […]

Caring for elderly loved ones with disease

  By: Teri Mercier – September, 2010 Taking care of an elderly loved one is no easy task. When disease is involved, it becomes even more challenging. People who care for an elderly loved one make up almost one quarter of adults in most states in America, and the numbers are growing. Family caregivers provide […]

Lawrence mayor disgraces slain police officer Tom Duggan, Sr.

Refuses to Lowe Flag for Slain Lawrence Police Officer By: Jerry Flynn – Executive Director, N.E. Police Benevolent Association April, 2010   On Friday, November 17, 1978, Officer Christos Rouses was shot and killed while responding to a robbery in progress at Limby’s Drug Store on the corner of Branch and Smith Streets. Under a bright […]

The Holidays in North Andover, Massachusetts

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL   December, 2009 One of the reasons the entire Valley Patriot editorial board loves living in North Andover is because the town has never bowed down to political correctness. We’d drive by the common during the holidays and enjoy seeing a Jewish menorah and Christmas tree. We also enjoyed passing the “Merry […]

Sgt. Maj. Eric Nelson, U.S. Army (retired)

Sgt. Maj. Eric Nelson, U.S. Army (retired)

VALLEY PATRIOT OF THE MONTH – HERO IN OUR MIDST   December 2009 – While attending the North Andover Veteran’s Day observances, I was privileged to listen to guest speaker Sgt. Major Eric Nelson. Nelson is a retired U.S. Army officer of 24 years. he spent his first career in the U.S. Army and is […]

Lantigua victory masterfully done – now the real work begins

Lantigua victory masterfully done – now the real work begins

  By: Robert O’Koniewski – November, 2009 The votes are in and Lawrence finally has met demographic expectations to attain its first popularly elected mayor of Hispanic descent. We will not use the trite adjective of “historic” to describe State Representative William Lantigua’s victory over District E City Councilor David Abdoo, as that has really […]

Today we are all Lawrencians

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL November, 2009   In last month’s race for the Mayor’s office in Lawrence, Willie Lantigua (da chief) defeated David Abdoo. While we have some serious reservations about Lantigua’s ability to manage the city of Lawrence, as well as the character of those insiders he has surrounded himself with, today is a new day. The election is […]