House Budget Will Need a Haircut

House Budget Will Need a Haircut

By: State Rep. Linda Dean Campbell Following an extensive process that starts with hearings in January, the Fiscal Year 2018 House budget was finalized in the last week in April. The Senate will soon complete their budget and the two will be reconciled by 1 July. The 40.4 billion dollar House budget DID NOT include […]

It’s Time We Stop Looking Away From The Violence ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL

It’s Time We Stop Looking Away From The Violence ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL

Last month a deranged person broadcasted live video of himself on Facebook, randomly executing a stranger on the street. As expected, the media and politicians went into hysteria-mode. Facebook officials met with government officials and the media, and of course, everyone is “working hard” to try and prevent this from happening again. Cable news bobble-heads […]

Carter, MaGuire Win Valley Patriot Hero Veteran Award

Carter, MaGuire Win Valley Patriot Hero Veteran Award

$1,600 from BASH Proceeds Donated to Veterans for Wheelchairs and Groceries   Each year The Valley Patriot holds a charity BASH on the anniversary of the newspaper’s birth. “I’m so privileged and honored to be here. I’m so privileged and honored to support this BASH. And I will continue to support this BASH every year,” […]

MA Responsible For New Hampshire’s Drug Problem According To Governor Sununu

MA Responsible For New Hampshire’s Drug Problem According To Governor Sununu

By: Helen Price – April, 2017 In recent months, New Hampshire (and, in fact, New England in general) has seen something of an increase in drugs-related problems. What the media termed a ‘heroin apocalypse’ was consistently raised as an issue during last year’s elections, and the drugs casualty rates are truly horrifying. Emergency services are […]

Valley Patriot/Lawrence High School Alumni Association Scholarship Winners

Valley Patriot/Lawrence High School Alumni Association Scholarship Winners

[youtube] It’s amazing what the Valley Patriot has done with this annual BASH scholarship program,” said Chris Eldredge of the Lawrence High School Alumni Association. Each year The Valley Patriot throws an Anniversary BASH where awards are given to cops, firefighters, veterans, and those who fight for the 1st Amendment. The annual BASH also raises […]

Public Safety Related Legislation I am Filing ~ By: Rep. Linda Dean Campbell

Public Safety Related Legislation I am Filing ~ By: Rep. Linda Dean Campbell

By: State Rep. Linda Dean Campbell – April, 2017 My prior service in the U. S. Army has influenced my public service in many ways, very significantly in my understanding of threats, sacrifices and increasing challenges faced by our public safety officers. This past legislative session I was honored to serve as the Vice-Chair of […]



By: State Senator Katy Ives – April, 2017 Early Voting passed into law in 2014 and this past presidential election was the first in which residents were allowed to vote before Election Day. This is an advantageous concept for many people that want to vote but can’t get to the ballot box on one given […]

Defending Immigrants from Perceived “Racism”

Defending Immigrants from Perceived “Racism”

By: Teresa Giuffre – April, 2017 I’ve read with interest, the onslaught of negative comments on the pages of the Valley Patriot, and on your Facebook feed, regarding the treatment of immigrants in the Merrimack Valley, particularly Lawrence. These racist comments have become more and more aggressive of late, and I must respond. In fact, […]

Boxford’s Police Problems Start and End with Selectmen – VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (4-17)

Boxford’s Police Problems Start and End with Selectmen – VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (4-17)

VALLLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL April 2017   A few months ago The Valley Patriot began to investigate the goings on at the Boxford police station. Rumors about a department out of control because of a police chief who is “mailing it in” motivated us to start requesting documents. Instead of cooperating with the press and being […]

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