Charlie Baker: I will put Lawrence into receivership

Baker says if elected, Lantigua will not manage city finances  Candidate for Governor Tells Tea Party Lantigua not Fit By: Tom Duggan – October, 2010 Earlier this year, Lawrence Mayor Willie Lantigua partitioned the state legislature to borrow $35Mil claiming there was a $24Mil. deficit in the city’s budget. Governor Deval Patrick wrote House Bill 4421 […]

Massachusetts State School Board Loses Independence

SPECIAL TO THE VALLEY PATRIOT       By: Sandra Stotsky – October, 2010 In November 2006, Governor Romney appointed me to the nine-member Massachusetts Board of Education. In January 2008, the Legislature passed Gov. Deval Patrick’s bill establishing a cabinet-level secretary of education position and expanding the board to eleven members. The bill specifically […]

An interview with Senate Candidate Barry Finegold

An interview with Senate Candidate Barry Finegold

  By: Tom Duggan – September, 2010 State Representative Barry Finegold is a candidate for State Senate. Valley Patriot editor Tom Duggan interviewed him last month on the Paying Attention! Radio Program on WCAP in Lowell. Duggan asked Finegold about his vote in favor of a $35 million loan for Lawrence with no financial oversight. […]

An interview with Senate Candidate Barry Finegold

 Finegold Defends Lawrence Mayor Willie Lantigua   By: Tom Duggan – August, 2010 State Representative Barry Finegold is a candidate for State Senate. Valley Patriot editor Tom Duggan interviewed him last month on the Paying Attention! Radio Program on WCAP in Lowell. Duggan asked Finegold about his vote in favor of a $35 million loan […]

It’s the Money, Stupid!

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL  AUGUST, 2010 Late last month Massachusetts education officials decided to discard the MCAS testing requirements and adopt a new federal program called the Common Core State Standards.   In recent years, Massachusetts has ranked at the top or near the top compared to all other states when it comes to the education […]

The Government-Union Cartel Organized crime on steroids and we are its victims

THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX   By Dr. Charles Ormsby – June, 2010   There are no special workers’ rights. There are only human rights. Workers have them and so does everyone else. Seems simple, doesn’t it? Everyone has the same rights. Rights must be consistent. You can’t have a right that violates the rights of […]

Rep. Dave Torissi mocks voters, sides with illegal aliens

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL JUNE 2010     North Andover State Rep. David Torrisi has some nerve. He was elected by American citizens in Lawrence and North Andover to represent their interests in the state legislature. When he took his oath of office he swore to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States […]

Breaking Ground: A new voice in The Valley!

Valley Patriot Lesbian Columnist By Dani Langevin – May, 2010 Yes, Virginia, there is a gay community in the Valley. There are mothers and fathers, teachers, lawyers, dog groomers, firefighters, policemen and women, mail carriers, hairdressers, custodians, lab technicians, veterans, and every other vocation under the sun. Just like the rest of the world, they […]

Lawrence Mayor Lantigua Accused

Educator Says Mayor has Conflicts of Interest, Lack of Leadership    By: Tom Duggan, April, 2010 According to Essex County District Attorney Jon Blodgett’s indictment of Lawrence School Superintendent Wilfredo Laboy, Mayor Willie Lantigua’s State Rep. campaign received materials printed at the Lawrence Public Schools in 2007. Now Lantigua will preside over hearings to fire […]

Message from Comrades Tierney and Tsongas “Welcome to the Gulag”

Message from Comrades Tierney and Tsongas “Welcome to the Gulag”

THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX By: Dr. Charles Ormsby – April, 2010 Message from Massachusetts voters, “Take your Gulag and shove it.” Yesterday I celebrated the first birthday of my third grandchild. My other two grandchildren are five and seven years old. They don’t know that their world changed today. One hour ago our Congress, with […]

Challenges Ahead for Methuen

Methuen Mayor Bill Manzi Looks Ahead By: Methuen Mayor Bill Manzi – January, 2010 This week I will have the honor of being sworn in for my third term as Methuen’s Mayor. Much has been accomplished over the past four years, but so much more remains, with the challenges facing Methuen as great as any […]

Mike Miles, Warren Shaw launch personal attacks

But Warren Shaw and Mike Miles Can’t Debate the Real Issues By: D.J. Deeb – January, 2010 The letter is ludicrous and speaks for itself. Unlike Mike Miles and his Gang, I will actually address the issues that he raises regarding my previous column, statements in his letter, and offer insight into some of the […]

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