Random Thoughts with Ronnie Ford

By: Ronnie Ford – June, 2011 Naomi Klien’s “The Shock Doctrine” is a New York Times best seller. It is a scary book explaining the many machinations and illegal activities that has contributed to our topsy-turvy economy today. The manuscript pointed out documented happenings that point to profit at all costs, inclusive of which is […]

Election Season Has Begun in Lowell

Election Season Has Begun in Lowell

By: Gerry Nutter – June, 2011 Election Season has begun here in Lowell. This year in the City Council Race we have one open seat with the retirement of longtime Councilor Edward “Bud” Caulfield who was truly ‘The People’s Representative” and was the epitome of the neighborhood councilor. It leaves 8 strong Incumbents running including […]

Valley Students Attend Pre-boot Camp Training

By: Tom Duggan – June, 2011 Local U.S. Marine recruiters in The Valley got their first look at the latest batch of recruits last month at Ft. Devans Army Base in Massachusetts. The new recruits, called “poolees” (recruits yet to attend basic training) were put through preliminary training to get them ready for the extensive […]

Random, Mostly Non-Political Observations about The Valley

Random, Mostly Non-Political Observations about The Valley

By: Jamison Tomasek – June, 2011 I noticed from Facebook the number of people that grew up in Lawrence and settled in the Merrimack Valley is very high. While this might not just be a Lawrence thing, it seems particularly pronounced here. The Lawrence Diaspora (migration) doesn’t seem like a random scattering. Almost everyone who […]

Labor Unions, What are They Good for?

Labor Unions, What are They Good for?

By: Peter Larocque – June, 2011 As the City of Lawrence prepares itself to begin budget discussions on the FY-2012 Budget, I thought it would be good to review some background information concerning Labor Unions. According to Wikipedia, the Web-based free encyclopedia, labor unions in the United States are legally recognized as representatives of workers […]

Can Lawrence Mayor Willie Lantigua Survive?

Can Lawrence Mayor Willie Lantigua Survive?

By: Tom Duggan, June, 2011 With several law enforcement agencies investigating the finances and political dealings of Lawrence Mayor Willie Lantigua, and the Boston media finally waking up to his political shenanigans, the question most people are asking is: can Lantigua survive?  Let me start by saying that I’ve known and studied the political genius […]

Alex Talcott First to Pull Nomination Papers for 2011 Amesbury Elections

Alex Talcott First to Pull Nomination Papers for 2011 Amesbury Elections

  May, 2011 Amesbury, MA — Minutes before 8:00 a.m., Amesbury resident Alex Talcott requested and obtained nomination papers from the Amesbury Town Clerk, becoming the first person to do so on the first day papers were available for the fall municipal elections. Talcott, a consulting entrepreneur and attorney by trade, is considering opportunities to […]

Monarch on The Merrimack Back on Track

Monarch on The Merrimack Back on Track

 By: Tom Duggan, May, 2011 Bob Ansin, (CEO of sustainable development company MassInnovation, and developer of the Wood Mill in Lawrence) has had his multi-million dollar renovation project on hold since October of 2007. That’s when several erroneous Eagle-Tribune stories alleged that Ansin was running out of funds and that asbestos was found inside the […]

Georgetown: A Town Divided, Yet Again

Georgetown: A Town Divided, Yet Again

  By: Lawrence, “Lonnie” Brennan – May, 2011 Hi. Did I mention that Georgetown School Superintendent Carol Jacobs will garner $174,300 of taxpayer money this year? And that we have a lovely $1.2 million dollar override that, by the time you read this, is supposed to be inflicted upon the taxpayer? Someday, perhaps 20 years […]