An interview with Senate Candidate Barry Finegold

 Finegold Defends Lawrence Mayor Willie Lantigua   By: Tom Duggan – August, 2010 State Representative Barry Finegold is a candidate for State Senate. Valley Patriot editor Tom Duggan interviewed him last month on the Paying Attention! Radio Program on WCAP in Lowell. Duggan asked Finegold about his vote in favor of a $35 million loan […]

Only FIVE Patrolman protecting the city on a Thursday Night

  Lawrence Cops chase man with gun through Lawrence alleys     By; Tom Duggan – August, 2010 “Common and Newbury, Common and Newbury!” an out of breath officer Dan Fitzpatrick yelled over the police radio early Friday morning around 12:15am. Every cruiser patrolling the city rushed to the downtown Lawrence neighborhood, lights and sirens […]

Lawrence finances take center stage in state senate race

  By: Tom Duggan – August, 2010 The race to replace State Senator Sue Tucker in the Second Essex District of Massachusetts has found the failed finances and financial mismanagement of the City of Lawrence at the center of this contentious campaign among both Democrat and Republican candidates. The Second Essex district is comprised of […]

Business as usual

Lawrence Mayor Lantigua has brought nothing but chaos and has no plan By:  Robert O’Koniewski, Esq. – July, 2010 When Mayor William Lantigua took over city government in January, he promised a break from the business as usual that we have seen under all previous administrations. His rhetoric may have been lofty, but it belied the […]

Lantigua attacks Firefighters for “getting paid to sleep”

Lantigua attacks Firefighters for “getting paid to sleep”

Valley Patriot Exclusive! Lawrence Firefighters react to Lantigua’s Attacks By: Tom Duggan – July 2010 Lawrence Mayor Willie Lantigua’s war against police and firefighters in the city of Lawrence has reached a new low, firefighters told The Valley Patriot last month after Lantigua attacked them as lazy and greedy during several city council meetings and […]

Lawrence Fire Chief Murphy Says He is Being Targeted

Lawrence Fire Chief Murphy Says He is Being Targeted

TARGETED! Valley Patriot Exclusive! By: Tom Duggan – July, 2010 Lawrence Mayor Willie Lantigua is targeting Fire Chief Brian Murphy after the chief publicly opposed the mayor’s efforts to layoff more than two dozen firefighters and close two more fire stations, the chief told the Valley Patriot. Since Chief Murphy appeared before the city council […]

Lantigua using School Employees for City Services

By: Tom Duggan – June, 2010 Lawrence School Committeeman Mark Gray says that Mayor Willie Latigua is violating state law by using Chapter 70 Education money (earmarked solely or school spending) to balance the city budget. “He is using the school’s Internet Technology department to do work on computers in city hall and in the […]

Rep. Torrisi attacks N. Andover constituents, American Citizens

    By: Tom Duggan – June, 2010   NORTH ANDOVER – State Representative David Torissi says he is proud of his record of representing illegal aliens. In a letter he sent to a constituent last month he clearly states his opposition to a measure that would have cut off all state funding for illegal […]

Massachusetts Police Officers Honored at National Police Memorial

MA State Trooper Cashin, Officers Davey & Towner Honored in D.C. Names of three Mass. police officers killed in 2009 added to National Monument, honored by president   By: Tom Duggan – June, 2010 Last month more than 25,000 police officers and families filled the grounds of the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington […]

EPA: Untreated Raw Sewage Flowing into Shawsheen

  By; Tom Duggan – June, 2010   The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has sent a letter to Lawrence DPW Director Frank McCann (right) informing the City of Lawrence that the EPA has first hand knowledge that the city is pumping wastewater (human waste) into the Shawsheen River. According to documents obtained by The Valley […]

Laws? Laws? We don’t need no stinkin’ laws!

Corruption 101: Willie Lantigua, Lenny Degnan and Patrick Blanhette, By: Robert O’Koniewski, Esq.- June, 2010 The Commonwealth of Massachusetts comprises 351 cities and towns. From the Berkshires to the Cape, 350 communities and their leaders play by the rules and actually follow the laws as written. Then there is Lawrence, where apparently no rules or […]

Rep. Dave Torissi mocks voters, sides with illegal aliens

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL JUNE 2010     North Andover State Rep. David Torrisi has some nerve. He was elected by American citizens in Lawrence and North Andover to represent their interests in the state legislature. When he took his oath of office he swore to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States […]