Our Incompetent, Dishonest Legislature Strikes Again ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (Jan. 2020)

Our Incompetent, Dishonest Legislature Strikes Again ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (Jan. 2020)

MA Legislature Passes the NH Economic Development Act January, 202o You have to hand it to the Democrat Party-controlled Massachusetts State Legislature. When it comes to stupidity, only California can beat the level of destructive incompetence displayed on Beacon Hill. The Democrat Party controls both the house and the senate in Massachusetts. And it’s those very […]

This is No Way to Move Methuen Forward ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL 12-19

This is No Way to Move Methuen Forward ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL 12-19

Last week, a Methuen City Council meeting degenerated into a circus, complete with an orchestrated political attack on newly elected mayor Neil Perry. First, City Councilor Steve Saba (who campaigned against Perry) had his brother get up at public participation to lay the groundwork for a later discussion about Perry’s “rumored” choice for a new […]

Two Years of Chaos and Controversy in Methuen Are Almost Over ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL Nov. 2019

Two Years of Chaos and Controversy in Methuen Are Almost Over ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL Nov. 2019

The election of a new mayor and city council in Methuen, and the impending departure of Mayor James Jajuga will mark the end of conflict, chaos, and controversy that has divided the city and left Methuen’s reputation as a national disgrace. Over the last two years of the Jajuga administration the mayor refused to fulfill […]

Outlaw Murder So There Will Be No More Death ~VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL, Aug, 2019

Outlaw Murder So There Will Be No More Death ~VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL, Aug, 2019

August, 2019 It has become comical watching feckless and ignorant politicians having knee- jerk reactions every time there’s a mass shooting. They trip over themselves to get in front of a TV camera to exploit murder victims for political gain before the bodies are even cold. Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren shamelessly took to twitter within […]

Why Not Just Let Them All Die? ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (July, 2019)

Why Not Just Let Them All Die? ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (July, 2019)

July, 2019 In the process of posting breaking news on The Valley Patriot Facebook and Twitter pages we often encounter reader comments that evoke serious emotion, discussion, and debate. Earlier this month, we posted a story of the Lawrence Fire Dept. searching for a reported overdose victim off Manchester Street. First responders searched for the […]

Methuen Councilors Lie About Union St. Project ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (June, 2019)

Methuen Councilors Lie About Union St. Project  ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (June, 2019)

Last week, the Methuen City Council had the chance to beautify a collapsing piece of public property on Union St., costing city taxpayers absolutely nothing. The state was willing to pay the full cost of the project. Instead of accepting the contract, however, two councilors harpooned the project, telling the public – and their fellow […]

Free Speech Does Not Stop at the School House Doors – VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (5-19)

Free Speech Does Not Stop at the School House Doors – VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (5-19)

For too long, public education officials in this country have been bullying students in the classroom with impunity, preaching their political opinions as fact, and punishing students who do not comport with their approved political views. Nowhere is this more true than in the Andover Schools. In November of 2006, The Valley Patriot covered in […]

No Russian Collusion, No Obstruction, Media Continues to Lie ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (04-19)

No Russian Collusion, No Obstruction, Media Continues to Lie ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (04-19)

April, 2019 For three years, the mainstream “news” media and their masters in the democrat party thumped their chests and propagated the lie that President Donald Trump was a secret Russian spy for Vladimir Putin who literally stole the election from their preferred candidate, Hillary Clinton. They told us Russia “hacked the election” which is […]

Mayor Rivera Takes a Page from Lantigua Playbook ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (03/19)

Mayor Rivera Takes a Page from Lantigua Playbook ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (03/19)

03-19 When former Lawrence Mayor Willie Lantigua first took the corner office at Lawrence City Hall he fired a number of department heads whom he believed had campaigned against him. He wasn’t firing them for doing a bad job or committing a crime; it was all politics. Lantigua did not want anyone in his administration […]

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (2/19)~ IG Report Blames Methuen Council, Mayors, Not Police

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (2/19)~ IG Report Blames Methuen Council, Mayors, Not Police

Feb. 2019 The Inspector General’s report on the approval of the Methuen Superior Officers’ contract was scathing and eye opening to those who have not been paying attention to Methuen politics. The report is harsh with criticism of former Mayor Zanni, current Mayor Jajuga, the previous city council, and others. It detailed how the former […]

What “The Movement Family” Proved About the Homeless Crisis ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (DEC. 18)

What “The Movement Family” Proved About the Homeless Crisis  ~  VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (DEC. 18)

If there is one thing that Michael Gorman and his volunteers at TMF (The Movement Family) have proved over the last six months, it’s that helping the homeless and making people’s lives better only takes one thing: effort. For six months TMF offered food, clothing, detox services, transitional housing, and other counseling services to the […]

Methuen City Councilors Are Playing Games with People’s Lives ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (OCT. 2018)

Methuen City Councilors Are Playing Games with People’s Lives ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (OCT. 2018)

  Methuen City Councilors are playing games with people’s lives and the safety of police officers and it has to stop. Last month, City Councilor Steve Saba mounted a successful effort to cut $1.8M out of the city’s police budget. He did this to get even with superior officers for accepting raises in their contract […]

Methuen School Committee Had One Chance to Get it Right ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (Sept. 2018)

Methuen School Committee Had One Chance to Get it Right ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (Sept. 2018)

  METHUEN SCHOOL COMMITTEE COVERED UP THE CORRUPTION THAT GOT US HERE Methuen has become the city of scandal and cover-ups. It is a reputation that has sadly been earned. Since Mayor Jajuga took office in January, Methuen residents have been deluged with story after story of political insiders taking advantage of conflicts of interest, […]

Let’s Stop Blaming Methuen Police for City’s Financial Problems ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL, AUG. 2018

Let’s Stop Blaming Methuen Police for City’s Financial Problems ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL, AUG. 2018

The City of Methuen is in a financial mess that has resulted in the mayor and city council having to borrow $4M from the state. That $4M loan comes at a heavy price. That price is state control over the city’s finances in the form of either a fiscal overseer or a financial control board. […]