Methuen Discourages Participation in Local Elections ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (Aug. 2021)

Methuen Discourages Participation in Local Elections ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (Aug. 2021)

Aug. 2021 For years we have called the public’s attention to the way Methuen elections are structured to subvert democracy and keep political insiders in power. This year’s upcoming municipal elections are a perfect example of how this system discourages voter participation in elections and needs to change. First, Methuen has a deadline for potential […]

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (Aug. 2021) ~ Americans Must Stand up to Vaccine Mandates

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (Aug. 2021) ~ Americans Must Stand up to Vaccine Mandates

August 1, 2021 We have been astounded and horrified over the last few months to learn that private businesses, schools, and colleges are requiring proof of a COVID vaccine before going to work or school. We were even more horrified to learn that our government officials are doing nothing about this obvious and blatant invasion […]

History Will Judge Us Harshly on COVID Response ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (June, 2021)

History Will Judge Us Harshly on COVID Response ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (June, 2021)

June,  2021 Dr. Anthony Fauci is the top health official in the country and has shaped public policy on how the United States government responded to the COVID-19 pandemic. Prior to the massive spread of COVID-19 in the U.S., Fauci said that wearing a store-bought mask did nothing to stop the transmission of the deadly […]

Racist Term “Latinx” Must be Rejected by the Media ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (5-21)

Racist Term “Latinx” Must be Rejected by the Media ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (5-21)

May, 2021 Political activists have created a new term to label and stereotype Latinos in an attempt to find a “gender neutral” term of referring to Spanish speaking Americans from South or Central American countries. We recognize this term “Latinx” as blatantly racist and an affront to everything that is Latino culture. We refuse to […]

Unlike Lawrence, Methuen Tries to Help the Homeless ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (05/21)

Unlike Lawrence, Methuen Tries to Help the Homeless ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (05/21)

  When faced with a growing homeless population, officials in the City of Lawrence, Massachusetts have literally done nothing in the last 8 years to help feed, clothe, house, or assist the homeless in any way. Instead, Lawrence has been bulldozing tents, taking what few possessions the homeless have, throwing a non-profit out of the […]

Valley Patriot Celebrating 17 Years – and Counting ~ Valley Patriot Editorial (03/21) –

Valley Patriot Celebrating 17 Years – and Counting ~ Valley Patriot Editorial (03/21) –

March, 2021 Seventeen years ago, this month, the very first Valley Patriot rolled off the printing press at Graphic Development in Hanover, Massachusetts. We remember the predictions of local politicians who said we would be out of business in 3 months, laughing at the idea that anyone would take this monthly publication seriously. We also […]

Governor Baker Must Fire David Ismay Immediately ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL, FEB. 2021

Governor Baker Must Fire David Ismay Immediately ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL, FEB. 2021

David Ismay, Governor Baker’s Undersecretary for Climate Change, told a group of Vermont climate extremists that in order for Massachusetts residents to lower carbon emissions the state needs to “break their will” and “turn the screws on” ordinary people. No public servant should be approaching public policy with this kind of attitude. The video of […]

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL ~ McConnell, D.C. Republicans Are A Disgrace

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL ~ McConnell, D.C. Republicans Are A Disgrace

Senate President Mitch McConnell and some of his Republican colleagues in Washington, D.C. are a disgrace to our country. Since March of last year, millions of Americans have been out of work because of government imposed shut-downs. In the first nine months of the COVID crisis the best our Congress could do for the American […]

Francisco Urena Made Scapegoat for Vets Deaths ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL – JULY, 2020

Francisco Urena Made Scapegoat for Vets Deaths ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL – JULY, 2020

July, 2020 Hero Marine and Purple Heart recipient, Francisco Urena resigned last month as Governor Baker’s Secretary of Veteran Affairs. He didn’t actually resign, he resigned the way most people in government resign: he was told to come in for a meeting with the Governor, was met by his flunkies upon arrival, and then handed […]

Losing Our Constitution in the Blink of a Lie ~ Valley Patriot Editorial, May, 2020

Losing Our Constitution in the Blink of a Lie ~ Valley Patriot Editorial, May, 2020

It’s clear now that we are more than 10 weeks into a national shutdown that the American people were lied to … again! Back in December we were told by “experts” that the Coronavirus could not be transmitted from human to human. That turned out not to be true. Dr. Fauci himself (the president’s leading “expert”) […]

Media Hysteria and Scare Tactics Frighten a Nation – VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL

Media Hysteria and Scare Tactics Frighten a Nation – VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL

APRIL, 2020 Since the beginning of the coronavirus hysteria in this country the news media and even local officials have been only telling you part of the story. CNN, FOXNEWS and even local news networks have gone 24-7 with doom and gloom predictions about the virus, giving people the impression that if you get the […]

Methuen Councilors Should Know Their Place ~ Valley Patriot Editorial Feb. 2020

Methuen Councilors Should Know Their Place  ~ Valley Patriot Editorial Feb. 2020

February, 2020 After the last election, it’s somewhat surprising to learn that some members of the Methuen City Council either do not understand their roles and responsibilities as elected officials, or purposely overstep their authority as councilors Under the city charter, city councilors represent the legislative branch of city government. They have no say over […]