The Road to Beacon Hill is Paved with Mediocre Intentions

  By: Karin Rhoton – June, 2012 Somehow the rhetoric never changes, even though the calendar does. Another year has gone by and still the taxpayers of Massachusetts continue to fund pet projects of politicians instead of funding services and programs for the communities in which they live. Still the taxpayers have not seen the […]

Unelected Bureaucrats

  By: Peter Larocque – June, 2012 I would like to respond to an Editorial entitled, “Bake Sale Band Flap” that was published in the Eagle-Tribune on 5/13/2012. Towards the end of the editorial, the writer makes a conclusion concerning the crux of the matter, “when Legislators hand off their power to control the fine […]

The current state of activism in Lawrence

The current state of activism in Lawrence

  By: Joe D’Amore – June, 2012 The community action movements that swept Lawrence “It’s Your Right” and “Uniting Lawrence” appear to have initated derivative actions that speak to a yearning for change in this city. These have manifested themselves in unique ways such as a proliferation of Face Book groups, radio programs, letter writing […]

Thank You Frank Incropera

  By: Bob Cuomo – June, 2o12 On May 19, 2012 the Mount Vernon Neighborhood Association had its election of Officers and Trustees. This year for the first time in 20 years they had to make changes as Frank Incropera was stepping down as President of the MVNA, a position he has held for some […]

Who is Minding the Store in Methuen?

  By: Ken Willette – June, 2012 I have observed with great dissatisfaction political decisions being considered or enacted by our local leadership in Methuen. With each questionable decision, I have come to the same conclusions: when are real government reforms going to be implemented and how much will these recent actions to augment the […]

An “F” on Transparancy in Massachusetts (opnion)

  By: Rob Eno – May, 2012 After completing work on a $32.5 billion budget, Speaker Robert DeLeo (D-Winthrop) said the budget process was, “the most open and transparent we can have”. The non-partisan Center for Public Integrity, among others, strongly disagrees. They recently gave Massachusetts an F for openness and transparency in our budgeting […]

Beyond the Obamacare Debate

Beyond the Obamacare Debate

By: Christen Varley – April, 2012 I spent the better portion of last week reading, watching, and waiting for news from the Supreme Court. The hearings held to determine the constitutionality of the individual mandate, as well as the entirety of Obamacare, are over and we Americans must now wait for the verdict. I don’t […]

Can Hypoglycemia and Diabetes be Managed?

Lab testing ranges are EXTREMELY BROAD! By: Dr. Jin Sung – April, 2012 From a medical standpoint, normal blood glucose levels have a broad range of 70 to 105, while functional or optimal blood glucose level ranges are 85 to 99. According to the American Diabetic Association, a blood sugar level reading of 106 to […]

Chris Christie on Israel – and What It Means to Be a Leader

By: Dennis Prager – March 2012 New Jersey Governor Chris Christie addressed the American Israel @ Affairs Committee (AIPAC) last week. In the few words reported by the Weekly Standard magazine, he said just about everything one needs to know about Israel; about America and Israel; and about American political leadership: “America should stand by […]

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