School Year in Dracut Begins with Changes

  By: Dracut Selectman, Cathy Richards – September, 2011 The back to school shopping, reviewing of school supplies lists and bus schedules, and creating new lunch ideas has begun. Sports programs are already underway. In Dracut there are changes worth noting that should benefit the children in the public schools. The first change is the […]

Apple CEO, Jobs Resigns. Will Things Change Apple?

Apple CEO, Jobs Resigns. Will Things Change Apple?

    By: Nate Richards, North Andover High School – September, 2011 Apple’s executive, Steve Jobs who almost single handedly changed the way people consumed music, internet, and T.V, announced his resignation. Jobs, who has been suffering from Pancreatic Cancer for a little over three years now, sent a letter to the company’s board late […]

Ask the Reverse Mortgage Guy

  By: Bob Irving – August, 2011 Sandra and Martin Walsh represent a new breed of homeowner facing a dilemma that is increasingly common. After 45 years of marriage they agreed amicably to divorce. Their $400,000 family home, however, presented a major problem that they struggled to resolve. Martin wanted to retain the home and […]

What’s MA’s Job-Growth Strategy: Hoping, Hunting, or Helping?

  By: Mike Hruby – August, 2011 On Thursday, July 21st, the Massachusetts Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development (EOLWD) announced that our state unemployment measure stayed at 7.6% for another month. This signaled no improvement for 263,800 unemployed individuals, more than seven full Fenway Parks. By definition the 7.6% figure does not include […]

Manzi Signs Letter on Debt

Manzi Signs Letter on Debt

  From the desk of Methuen Mayor Bill Manzi –  August – 2011 A Letter to the President and Congress was signed by Methuen Mayor Bill Manzi and other area mayors here is that letter: Dear President Obama, Senate Majority Leader Reid, House Speaker Boehner, Senate Minority Leader McConnell, and House Minorty Leader Pelosi: Now […]


By: Methuen Mayor Bill Manzi – April, 2011 Municipal health care continues to be a dominant political issue for localities, with both Governor Patrick and Speaker Deleo advocating reform that would allow savings of over $100 million per year statewide. The Legislature held a hearing on this subject a couple of weeks back, but as […]

The Private can’t afford the Public Sector

  By: Gerry Nutter – January, 2011 Last February now former State Sen. Steve Panagiotakos proclaimed “The Private Can’t afford the Public Sector anymore.” As we begin 2011 those words need to be kept in mind as area school committees’ negotiate new contracts with teachers and administrators. Nowhere is this more relevant than The Greater […]

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