Killing off Baby Jesus

  By: Kethleen LaPlante – December, 2010 That is what Christmas is about these days. Killing off and eliminating Baby Jesus from the Christmas season. It’s infanticide, of sorts. For example, Happy Holidays, Happy Hanukah and Season’s Greetings are okay, but Merry Christmas is out. Holiday Gathering and Tree Lighting Day are okay, but Christmas […]

In this Holiday Season, Remember the empty seat…

By: Austin Roy, Teen Columnist – December, 2010 Remember this Christmas; When you’re eating your dinners, smiling and laughing, remember that somewhere, in another house there’s an empty chair where a hero should be sitting. Those Heroes gave up their life so you can sit with your family. So light a candle for the Heroes that […]

Being the Candidates Son!

Being the Candidates Son!

By: Zeke Golnik – September, 2010 Hi my name is Zeke Golnik and my dad, Jon Golnik is running for Congress in the 5th district of Massachusetts. My dad is a hard working man who is unhappy about our country right now and wants to make it a better place for me and my sister […]

Caring for elderly loved ones with disease

  By: Teri Mercier – September, 2010 Taking care of an elderly loved one is no easy task. When disease is involved, it becomes even more challenging. People who care for an elderly loved one make up almost one quarter of adults in most states in America, and the numbers are growing. Family caregivers provide […]

Tsongas reintroduces legislation to improve the quality of veterans’ health care

From the Desk of Congressman Niki Tsongas By: Congressman Niki Tsongas – January 12, 2009    WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Niki Tsongas today reintroduced two bills to address and improve the quality and continuum of mental health care available to veterans. Recognizing the sharp increase in post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental health wounds […]

Hero in Our Midst – Haverhill’s John Katsaros and Code Burgandy

  Tech Sgt. James Moore, USAF It is now possible for us to remember a true patriot. Sworn to silence for a period of time, even to his own family, John Katsaros can finally reveal his story of perseverance, courage, and heroism to us. We hear stories about freedom fighters. However, an airman of this […]

Hero in Our Midst – Natasha Young – Valley Patriot of the Month

By: Tech. Sgt. James Moore, USAF  – May, 2008 LAWRENCE – A patriot, as defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is “One who loves his or her country and supports its authority and interests.” The word is sometimes overused or even misused, but not when we use it to describe Natasha Young, make that Staff Sergeant […]

State meets obligation on SPED mandate

  By: State Senator Steve Panagiotakos – April, 2008 Chairman Senate Ways & Means Committee  The following information is intended to address the issue of local mandates and explains how the state complies with the applicable laws. I would also like to explain how the state assists municipalities in the funding of certain education categories. […]

Lawrence Mayor, Superintendent to Protest Stokes at Tonight’s School Committee Meeting

Lawrence Mayor, Superintendent to Protest Stokes at Tonight’s School Committee Meeting

Asks Community to stand with our Veterans   by Wilfredo Laboy, posted 1/10/08   During a period in which the City of Lawrence and the Lawrence Public Schools have made significant steps towards ongoing improvement, we are saddened and outraged by such morally and ethically unacceptable conduct by James Stokes.  In November’s School Committee elections, […]

Silence of town officials at N.A. Special Town Meeting is Unacceptable

Silence of town officials at N.A. Special Town Meeting is Unacceptable

    Sandy Gleed     This Monday’s special town meeting demonstrated far more about the shortcomings of municipal government than it did about the average citizen’s desire to exert control over wireless communications. The wireless article sparked very legitimate concerns about:  * our town’s failure to monitor current cell tower permits * our town’s […]

N. Andover’s poor education choices shouldn’t be repeated in other communities

    By: Ralph Wilbur – December, 2007 In the late 1960’s, North Andover was one of the first communities to wholeheartedly adopt the then current fad for “open classroom” teaching. A new high school was constructed without internal partitioning walls and the result was noise, constant distractions and educational bedlam. Generations of North Andover […]

City Council Must Stop Playing Games and Follow the Law (opinion)

PLANNING FOR YOUR FUTURE By: Michael Sweeney (December, 2007) Lawrence Planning Director   “Truth is generally the best vindication against slander.” -President Abraham Lincoln  Good call there by President Lincoln. Unfortunately, under the weak-armed rule of Patrick Blanchette, truth has been replaced in the city council chambers by slander and personal attacks.  The truth is […]