New Year Puppy

New Year Puppy

By: Tracey Zysk – January, 2105 How many of you found an adorable cute little puppy under your tree this holiday season? If you did or are planning on adopting one for the spring, planning ahead will make puppy’s transition and yours much easier. Here is a quick little check list 1. Do a meet-and-greet […]

Steps to Prevent Pests and Rodents from Invading Your Home

Steps to Prevent Pests and Rodents from Invading Your Home

By: Th Pest End Girls No one likes to find pests or rodents finding their way into their beautiful homes. It can make you feel uneasy even in the haven of your own property. Pest-End Exterminators and Pro-Tech Lawn Care has comprised a list of proactive steps to take to help prevent pests and rodents […]

God Bless the NYPD

God Bless the NYPD

By: John MacDonald – January, 2015 Sometimes words just can’t describe the level of disgust a person can feel, but I will try. Two of New York City’s finest police officers were gunned down in cold blood on December 20th. After months of anti-law enforcement rhetoric by some of our political leadership, their advisors and […]

Helping Granite Staters Get to the Bottom of Downshifting

Helping Granite Staters Get to the Bottom of Downshifting

By: DJ Bettencourt – January, 2015 As Governor Maggie Hassan and the Republican-controlled legislature begins crafting the 2015-2016 state budgets, Granite Staters can be certain that both sides will allege that the other is “downshifting.” While campaigning for office last fall, Republicans promised no new taxes or fees and no borrowing gimmicks. They also campaigned […]

Top Ten Nightlife Hotspots in Manchester NH

Top Ten Nightlife Hotspots  in Manchester NH

By: Justess Jacobson – January, 2015 I turned 21 in April, and of course, I went to every nightclub I could in Manchester even if I had no interest in going. Some were way better than others, and some I won’t even talk about during this article because some places were just awful. The best […]

The Do’s and Don’ts To Your New Year’s Resolutions ~It’s Never Too Late to Start

The Do’s and Don’ts To Your  New Year’s Resolutions ~It’s Never Too Late to Start

By: Cheryl Hajjar – January, 2015 Congratulations! You have decided to join the ambitious 45% of Americans who have vowed to stick to their New Years Resolutions. Kudos to you. This is the year that you will stick too all of them. You have promised yourself that you will lose 50 pounds, quit those dreaded […]

Freedom Fighters ~ by Forest Rain, Israeli Columnist

Freedom Fighters ~ by Forest Rain,  Israeli Columnist

By: Forest Rain – January, 2014 When words are twisted meaning becomes warped. The straightforward and obvious suddenly takes on a new meaning, transforming in to something far from the original intent. Changing words and definitions changes reality. Once the term “freedom fighters” meant people who fight for freedom. Now, somehow this term has become […]

Methuen Students Learning Technology in Early Grades

Methuen Students Learning Technology in Early Grades

By: D.J. Deeb – January, 2015 Methuen Public Schools is fortunate to have such a strong and proactive Technology Department. At our December School Committee, Director of Instructional Technology Ed Lussier reported on a variety of activities and projects currently taking place in Methuen Public Schools involving students utilizing technology to complete academic tasks. When […]