School Year in Dracut Begins with Changes

  By: Dracut Selectman, Cathy Richards – September, 2011 The back to school shopping, reviewing of school supplies lists and bus schedules, and creating new lunch ideas has begun. Sports programs are already underway. In Dracut there are changes worth noting that should benefit the children in the public schools. The first change is the […]

Top 40 – Taxpayer Supported Earners

Top 40 – Taxpayer  Supported  Earners

  By: Lawrence “Lonnie” Brennan -September, 2011 As we head into an important fiscal year, with the first of what has been promised to be several tax-overrides recently approved, we note that we’re a bit behind in posting taxpayer expenditures. Specifically, the top 40 taxpayer supported earners of 2010. (The Valley Patriot had previously posted […]

Top 40 – Taxpayer Supported Earners

Top 40 – Taxpayer  Supported  Earners

  By: Lawrence, “Lonine” Brennnan – September, 2011 As we head into an important fiscal year, with the first of what has been promised to be several tax-overrides recently approved, we note that we’re a bit behind in posting taxpayer expenditures. Specifically, the top 40 taxpayer supported earners of 2010. (The Valley Patriot had previously […]

More Trouble in the Lawrence Voter Lists

  By: Jamison Tomasek – September, 2011 Last month’s article detailed irregularities in the list of Lawrence registered voters. On the official voter list hundreds of voters were registered two or three times, with the repeating names typically spelling errors or maiden names.In any circumstance this would be troubling, as one of the primary responsibilities […]

Liberals Are Not Liberal

Liberals Are Not Liberal

The word liberal has been perverted in American culture today.  Those who fought for and constructed the foundation of American society were liberal; those that identify themselves as liberal today act in contradiction to the true meaning of the word. The Cambridge Dictionary of American English defines a liberal as someone who respects many different […]



  By: Dani Langevin – September, 2011 For the record, the word marriage originated in medieval France in the mid-1200’s. The term marriage is not mentioned in the bible. At no time did whatever entity you believe in say that marriage was between one man and one woman. So, please, for the love of God, […]

Apple CEO, Jobs Resigns. Will Things Change Apple?

Apple CEO, Jobs Resigns. Will Things Change Apple?

    By: Nate Richards, North Andover High School – September, 2011 Apple’s executive, Steve Jobs who almost single handedly changed the way people consumed music, internet, and T.V, announced his resignation. Jobs, who has been suffering from Pancreatic Cancer for a little over three years now, sent a letter to the company’s board late […]

More Trouble in the Lawrence Voter Lists

More Trouble in the Lawrence Voter Lists

Last month’s article detailed irregularities in the list of Lawrence registered voters. On the official voter list hundreds of voters were registered two or three times, with the repeating names typically spelling errors or maiden names.In any circumstance this would be troubling, as one of the primary responsibilities of the City Clerk’s Office is to […]

Ask the Reverse Mortgage Guy

  By: Bob Irving – August, 2011 Sandra and Martin Walsh represent a new breed of homeowner facing a dilemma that is increasingly common. After 45 years of marriage they agreed amicably to divorce. Their $400,000 family home, however, presented a major problem that they struggled to resolve. Martin wanted to retain the home and […]

The Parasitic Left Says “FEED ME!”

The Parasitic Left Says “FEED ME!”

THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX “There will be no bargain, young Jedi. I shall enjoy watching you die.” Jabba the Hutt, Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi By: Dr. Charles Ormsby – August, 2011 It is frequently remarked that the number one objective of any organization is its own survival and growth. Often, little […]