Welcome to Obama’s Grand Libyan Adventure

Welcome to Obama’s Grand Libyan Adventure

    By: Jeff Katz – April, 2011   And we’re off on Obama’s grand Libyan adventure. After weeks of dithering, golfing and vacationing the pretender in chief finally decided to do something about Libya. He truly seemed confused about the proper course of action and so he did what he is best at, he […]

It’s Time to Recall Mayor Lantigua

Valley Patriot Editorial ~ April, 2011 When will the people of Lawrence say “enough is enough” and start a recall petition against Lawrence Mayor Willie Lantigua?  In the year and a half Lantigua has been mayor, he has not only laid off cops and firefighters but has publicly attacked them at every turn, calling them […]

Car Thefts Rise in Lawrence: There is a solution

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL March, 2011   Since Lawrence Police Chief John Romero formed the Auto Theft/Auto Fraud Task Force under Mayor Michael Sullivan, residents of Lawrence have seen a decrease in their auto insurance rates. But, according to numbers release by Lawrence City Councilor Mark LaPlante: auto thefts in Lawrence have increased 114% since Lawrence […]

Selectman Don Stewart: I’ve Been Offered Bribes

 North Andover Selectman Says North Andover is Corrupt   By: Tom Duggan – March, 2011 NORTH ANDOVER – Last month former North Andover Selectman Don Stewart called into the Paying Attention! radio program with Tom Duggan on WHAV.NET to discuss his campaign to recapture a seat on the board. He faces two incumbents: Tracy Watson […]

Bribery Is No Crime for Public Employee Unions

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL  MARCH, 2011   In the real world, ordinary citizens who bribe lawmakers for favors suffer serious consequences. Big fines and/or jail time are the rule. But this is not so with public employee unions. These groups donate thousands of dollars to the election campaigns of lawmakers, who in turn, favor them with […]

Today is definitely a shouting kind of day

Today is definitely a shouting kind of day

  By: Jeff Katz – March, 2011 Every once in a while, you have to shake your head and mutter Whiskey Tango Foxtrot under your breath. Every so often, it becomes necessary to shout it. Today is definitely a shouting kind of a day. The new Governor of Wisconsin recently began to ask some simple, […]

A Review of Mayor Willie Lantigua’s First Year in Office

Corruption, Law Breaking, And No Solutions for Troubled City PAYING ATTENTION WITH TOM DUGGAN   By: TOM DUGGAN, FEBRUARY 8, 2011 Well, the Willie Lantigua administration celebrated it’s one year anniversary last month and a quick review of his first year in office has proven to be one of the most disastrous years for the […]

… and We’re STILL Waiting for an Apology

… and We’re STILL Waiting for an Apology

Greater Boston Tea Party President Demands Apology   By: Christine Morabito, February, 2011 The Tea Party and conservative talk radio survived another unwarranted character assault after last month’s horrific shooting rampage in Arizona. While conservatives prayed for our country, others cast stones. There will always be unscrupulous opportunists who attempt to advance their political agenda at every turn. But, to politicize […]