Hidden Agenda

Valley Patriot Editorial The Democrats secretly want high energy prices August, 2008 The Democrats are vacationing while the nation is suffering with gas prices near $4 per gallon. We also face a cold winter with heating oil approaching $5 per gallon. Yet, the Democrats won’t permit increased access to economically viable oil deposits. Their arguments […]

Superintendent Wilfredo Laboy Refutes Chief Romero’s Claim of Increased Arrests at LHS

Superintendent Wilfredo Laboy Refutes Chief Romero’s Claim of Increased Arrests at LHS

 By: Tom Duggan – May, 2008   July 29, 2008 — Following Police Chief John Romero’s issuing of the School Resource Officer (SRO) report detailing an increase in arrests in the District, Superintendent Wilfredo T. Laboy has issued a statement disputing the data in the report: The Lawrence Public Schools constantly monitors data pertaining to […]

It is time for Massachusetts to pass a Shall Issue Law

Valley Patriot Editorial July, 2008 America’s most important freedom has finally been affirmed. In a brilliant and scholarly decision prepared by Justice Antonin Scalia, joined by Justices Roberts, Kennedy, Thomas, and Alito, the U. S. Supreme Court held that the Second Amendment guarantees “the individual right to possess and carry weapons.” Scalia explored the issue […]

Mayor Sullivan Calls Remarks by Former Councilor “Racist”

Lawrence Mayor Michael Sullivan Calls Councilor Carlos Matos’ Remarks Racist Tom Duggan – June, 2008 Lawrence Mayor Michael Sullivan issued a press release this week calling comments in the Boston Globe by former Lawrence City Councilor Carlos Matos in the Boston Globe “racist.” Sullivan also complained about similar comments Matos made when he was spearheading […]

It’s Our Liberties Stupid!

Valley Patriot Editorial June, 2008 Do you hear it? … click, click, click. Or do you not pay much attention because you are too busy seeking that promotion, or raising a family, or just trying to make ends meet? Click, click … There it is again, a new bill passed regulating this, mandating that, or […]

Hero in Our Midst – Natasha Young – Valley Patriot of the Month

By: Tech. Sgt. James Moore, USAF  – May, 2008 LAWRENCE – A patriot, as defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is “One who loves his or her country and supports its authority and interests.” The word is sometimes overused or even misused, but not when we use it to describe Natasha Young, make that Staff Sergeant […]

Obama Wants Change… But Change to What?

Valley Patriot Editorial May, 2008 The nationwide exposure of Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s church rantings provides startling insight into the kind of challenges facing this country’s progress toward better race relations.   It was indeed an eye-opener for most Americans to learn about the lies, racial slurs and divisiveness being preached to some black congregations. The Reverend Wright […]

Hero in Our Midst – Agnes Bresnahan of Methuen – Valley Patriot of the Month

By: Lonnie Brennan – April, 2008 METHUEN – Her statistics from 1970 are simple: female, 5 foot five inches, 125 pounds, age 19. As she entered her Junior year at the now-closed Catholic Trinity College in Burlington, Vermont, Agnes M. Bresnahan was surrounded daily by images of the Vietnam war: Images of war protests on […]

Are you a conservative?

Are you a conservative?

THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX Can you pass the conservative litmus test? part II     Dr. Charles Ormsby – April, 2008   Are you a conservative?  Can you pass the conservative litmus test? Part II Last month we established a political foundation for Conservatives in the form of four core principles (the basic Conservative litmus […]

Did Georgetown Club Owner Swindle $357K

Did Georgetown Club Owner Swindle $357K

By: Lonnie Brennan, Georgetown Selectman   A trial is now being heard in Essex Superior Court in Lawrence against Georgetown Country Club owner Peter Wojtkun, who is facing several counts of fraud, misleading, deceptive and coercive business practices, and physical assault according to court documents obtained by The Valley Patriot. The complaint was filed by […]

We Suggest “Nearly Perfect”

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL April, 2008 The Massachusetts state Board of Education is unhappy with the mean-spirited words being used to describe government schools that are not up to snuff. Those who are concerned with this less-than-ideal performance have used such adjectives as “failing” and “under-performing.” Schools with persisting imperfections are even bullied with terms like […]

Police Investigate Middle School Death Threats

By: Tom Duggan – April 2008 NORTH ANDOVER – Several North Andover Middle School students are being investigated by the North Andover police for personal profiles posted on the America On Line Internet service threatening to harm fellow students and naming at least one teacher and a classmate the student pledges to “kill.”  These threats […]

State meets obligation on SPED mandate

  By: State Senator Steve Panagiotakos – April, 2008 Chairman Senate Ways & Means Committee  The following information is intended to address the issue of local mandates and explains how the state complies with the applicable laws. I would also like to explain how the state assists municipalities in the funding of certain education categories. […]