PUPPYGIRL – Paw if Forward

PUPPYGIRL – Paw if Forward

PUPPY LOVE WITH KATE WHITNEY   By: PuppyGirl Kate Whitney – January 2013 Happy New Year!  With 2013 fresh upon us, I want to wish all of you good health and much happiness this year. Like me, I’m sure many of you have a list of resolutions. If I may, I’d like to ask you […]

Winter Wonderland and your Doggies

  By: Tracey Zysk – January 2013 As the season changes and the snow and cold approaches us, we must consider how this affects our dogs. Like humans, dogs can experience hypothermia and frostbite. They can also become victims of inappropriate shelter, lack of water and become poisoned by heating oil and antifreeze. When going […]

Holiday Decorating Tips For A House With Pets

Holiday Decorating Tips For A House With Pets

By Tracey Zysk – December, 2012 During the holidays, your household might be a little more crazier than usual with kids anticipating the BIG VISIT, house guests stopping over, decorations everywhere and lots of extra excitement. In fact it can be quite chaotic. Animals feed off of all the extra energy. Take a few extra precautions […]

October is National Adopt a Dog Month

October is National Adopt a Dog Month

  By: Tracy Zysk – Valley Patriot Doggie Columnist Well when you have three animal writers for the Valley Patriot all PRO ADOPTION…you know we are all very excited about the month of October being the American Humane Association Adopt a Dog Month. Why adopt? Well why wouldn’t you? There seems to be many misbelieve […]

The Valley Loses Four K-9 Dogs in the Past Few Months

The Valley Loses Four K-9 Dogs in the Past Few Months

By: Tracey Zysk, Valley Patriot Doggie Columnist – September, 2012 In the past few months the Merrimack Valley experienced the unexplainable and unbelievable.   The loss of four very well established and experienced K-9 dogs.   Three to cancer and one to retirement.  It normally doesn’t happen this way,  but in this case it did.  This is […]

Hot Diggity, it’s HOT!

Hot Diggity, it’s HOT!

By: Tracy Zysk – July, 2012 Wow! The next couple of days may be record breaking HOT!! Summer vacation is here and everyone is enjoying this beautiful weather. We are planning our trips to the beach, hanging out at the pool and cooking on the grill. With all this excitement are you remembering your pets? […]

RIP Axel – Chelmsford K-9

By: Tracey Zysk – April 2012 On March 23, 2012 Chelmsford Police K-9 Axel took his final ride in his police cruiser. Axel, a 5yr old Czechoslovakian shepherd passed away from a strong fought battle with cancer. A couple of years ago I had the pleasure of interviewing Axel’s handler Officer David Leo. In that interview […]

Info on animal testing available on-line

Info on animal testing available on-line

PUPPYLOVE WITH KATE WHITNEY By: PuppyGirl Kate Whitney – April, 2012 This month I decided to write about a subject that is not very pleasant – testing on animals. I was on the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) website one day (www.peta.org) and came across a whole section that promotes awareness about […]

Four Years and Counting!

Four Years and Counting!

PUPPY LOVE WITH KATE WHITNEY     By: Kate Whitney – December, 2011 This month celebrates my four year anniversary writing for this fantastic newspaper! First and foremost, I want to give a big thank you to Tom Duggan (editor of the Valley Patriot). Without the “VP”, there would be no Puppy Girl column. Tom […]