A One on One Interview with Superintendent-Receiver Jeff Riley – PART 1

A One on One Interview with Superintendent-Receiver Jeff Riley – PART 1

  October, 2013 – Valley Patriot Publisher Tom Duggan sat down with Lawrence Superintendent/Receiver Jeff Riley of the Lawrence Public Schools for a one on one interview. Riley was appointed Receiver of the Lawrence Public Schools by the Massachusetts Department of Education after an 81 page report detailed the lack of leadership of the Lantigua […]

Paying Attention! With Tom Duggan (10-12-13)

  CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO OR DOWNLOAD HOUR 1 Today Tom and Paul talked about the Salisbury sewer project and Selectman Freeman Condon’s startling revelation that he believes paying $80 Million for a sewer project is “absurd” which actually backs the claims of the Tomaselli sisters. Tom also replayed Town Manager Neil Harrington’s angry […]

My sit down Interview with Mayor Donna Holaday of Newburyport

By Rebeccah Pearson – Newburyportguide.com September, 2013 On November 5th the Newburyport Community will be asked once again to vote for their mayor. Last election, Donna Holaday won without contest, but this year she finds herself running against two candidates up for the mayor’s position. Dick Sullivan Jr. and Gregory Earls will find themselves voicing their […]

YE GAY OL’ VALLEY – Choosing and Being a Step-Parent

YE GAY OL’ VALLEY – Choosing and Being a Step-Parent

By Dani Lanvgevin – September Too many of us find ourselves divorced. For those of us with children, this means that we may find ourselves looking for another partner who will be able to love us, as well as our children. Too many times, however, people only settle for the first part. This is not […]

Follow The Money Taxes, Taxes and More Taxes

By: Staphanie Davis – September, 2013 “If it moves, tax it; if it keeps moving, regulate it; if it stops moving, subsidize it.” – Ronald Reagan On Beacon Hill, motor vehicles, cigarettes and technology are prime movers, judging by the latest round of tax increases including: a 14% gas tax hike from $0.21/gallon to $0.24/gallon; […]

Responding to the Overuse of Psychotropic Drugs for Seniors

By: State Senator Kathleen O’Connor Ives, September, 2013 In 2007 a federal audit found that about one in seven elderly residents were being given antipsychotic medication in nursing homes despite the fact that those drugs carry a “black box” warning from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). A “black box” warning is designed to call […]


HERO IN OUR MIDST By: Helen Mooradkanian – September 2013 It was January 1, 1945 as the convoy of 556 ships filled the horizon—LSTs, troop ships, aircraft carriers, submarines, destroyers, cruisers, and warships equipped with the largest guns, 16-inch diameter. They were sailing from Dutch New Guinea to Lingayen Gulf on the island of Luzon, […]

Lawrence’s Mayor Lantigua Pushes Candidate on Ballot Against Her Will – Will File Complaints with AG Coakley

Lawrence’s Mayor Lantigua Pushes Candidate on Ballot Against Her Will – Will File Complaints with AG Coakley

PRELIMINARY ELECTION DAY…. LAWRENCE… By Tom Duggan, September 17, 2013 (7:14pm) (MORE STORIES ON LANTIGUA) Lawrence’s municipal elections were held today in preliminary races for mayor, city council and school committee. Lawrence at-large candidate for city council, Cara Martiloni tells the Valley Patriot in an exclusive this afternoon that she is fuming and she is ready […]

Fraud, Forgeries and Illegal Signatures Found on Mayor Lantigua’s Nomination Papers, All approved By Lawrence Election Department

Fraud, Forgeries and Illegal Signatures Found on Mayor Lantigua’s Nomination Papers, All approved By Lawrence Election Department

By: Tom Duggan – August 15, 2013 The Valley Patriot obtained copies of Lawrence mayor Willie Lantigua‘s nomination papers, submitted and certified on April 11, 2013. Lantigua turned in 30 pages of nomination signatures to have his name appear on the September ballot. Each candidate for mayor needs to turn in 250 valid signatures from […]

An $80 Million Lie: Sisters Discover Sewer Project 100% Paid for with Grant Money

PART I By: Tom Duggan – September, 2013 Gracemarie and Joyce Tomaselli say they are days away from losing their property in Salisbury because town officials have retaliated against them because they blew the lid on what they call, “the $80 Million lie.” Dubbed the Sleuth Sisters, Joyce and Gracemarie have been investigating a sewer […]

Valley Patriot/980WCAP Lawrence Mayoral Debate download and listen on your IPOD! (September 7, 2013)

Valley Patriot/980WCAP Lawrence Mayoral Debate download and listen on your IPOD! (September 7, 2013)

CLICK here to download or listen to HOUR 1 CLICK here to download or listen to HOUR 2 Today, four of the five challengers to Lawrence Mayor Willie Lantigua came in for a debate on Paying Attention. James Patrick O’Donoghue, Dan Rivera, Manny Gonzalez, and Marcos Devers sparred on taxes, Lantigua’s corruption, laying off cops […]

BREAKING…. West Nile Virus Confirmed in Mosquitoes from Methuen

BREAKING…. West Nile Virus Confirmed in Mosquitoes from Methuen

Mayor Stephen Zanni and the City of Methuen Board of Health want to inform residents that the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) announced today that West Nile virus (WNV) has been detected in mosquitoes collected from Methuen along the I-93 corridor. The City is working with Northeast Massachusetts Mosquito Control (NEMMC) to identify a […]

Fall River State Rep. Alan Silvia to pay $20,000 for Concealing Campaign Finances

Fall River State Rep. Alan Silvia to pay $20,000 for Concealing Campaign Finances

State Rep. Alan Silvia of Fall River agreed to pay $20,000 to the state’s general fund as part of a disposition agreement with the Office of Campaign and Political Finance to resolve campaign finance violations.  In 2012, a state election year, Silvia’s campaign committee did not comply with several requirements of the state’s campaign finance […]

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