Challenges ahead for Methuen

  By: Bill Manzi, Methuen Mayor – January, 2010 This week I will have the honor of being sworn in for my third term as Methuen’s Mayor. Much has been accomplished over the past four years, but so much more remains, with the challenges facing Methuen as great as any that we have ever faced. […]

‘Anyone But Deval’ – A year in Review

  By: Lawrence, “Lonnie” Brennan – January, 2010 They say that every path has a few puddles, and for many, 2009 was a washout. The year began with Gov. Deval ‘Together-We-Can’ Patrick’s foot pushed flat against the spending pedal.  Fresh off another round of finding taxpayer funded jobs for his friends and neighbors, the ‘Gov.’ […]

Five questions for Lawrence Mayor William Lantigua

By: Robert O’Koniewski, Esq. – January, 2010     As we go to print, the City of Lawrence stands on the threshold of history. On Monday, January 4, Lawrence state representative William Lantigua was sworn in as the city’s first elected mayor of Hispanic descent. As a newly elected mayor, however, Mr. Lantigua is now […]

Lawrence City Council refuses to set tax rate, sticks freshmen councilors with budget mess

Blanchette Pats himself on the back while purposely trying to create budget deficit, state takeover    By: Tom Duggan, December, 2009   Under the leadership of Council President Patrick Blanchette, the Lawrence City Council spent the last two years taking “symbolic” budget votes, blaming the Sullivan administration for their own inaction, and refusing to pass […]

The City of Lawrence has No Idea What is About to Hit Them

The City of Lawrence has No Idea What is About to Hit Them

  PAYING ATTENTION with Tom Duggan – November, 2009 Few people can really understand the magnitude of the changes that are about to occur in the City of Lawrence with the election of State Representative Willie Lantigua (da chief). Not only did Willie win an overwhelming victory on Election Day, but almost every one of […]

Lantigua victory masterfully done – now the real work begins

Lantigua victory masterfully done – now the real work begins

  By: Robert O’Koniewski – November, 2009 The votes are in and Lawrence finally has met demographic expectations to attain its first popularly elected mayor of Hispanic descent. We will not use the trite adjective of “historic” to describe State Representative William Lantigua’s victory over District E City Councilor David Abdoo, as that has really […]

Lawrence Fined Nearly $50K for Failing to Test Drinking Water for Ecoli

Lawrence Fined Nearly $50K for Failing to Test Drinking Water for Ecoli

  By: Tom Duggan – July, 2009 Documents obtained by The Valley Patriot last month revealed that operators at the City of Lawrence’s brand new $26 million water treatment facility failed to test the city’s drinking water for a bacteria called E.coli from July 2008 to February 2009. The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) […]

Finegold Benefitted from Campaign material printed by the Lawrence Public Schools

Finegold Benefitted from Campaign material printed by the Lawrence Public Schools

By: Tom Duggan – July, 2009 An investigation by the Massachusetts office of Campaign and Political Finance may not have issued their report yet on which elected officials benefited from campaign material printed in the Lawrence Public Schools I’m gong to tell you who they right now. At least three members of the Lawrence School Committee (Morris, Larocque and Mejia) benefited from literature printed […]

Mass sales tax to skyrocket to 6.25%

Mass sales tax to skyrocket to 6.25%

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL Look up in the sky! It’s a bird … It’s a plane …   May, 2009 No … it’s Representive David Torrisi (DNorth Andover) coming to rescue the beleaguered taxpayers and business owners of the Merrimack Valley. Joining Rep. Torrisi, in voting against an increase in the state sales tax from 5% to 6.25% was Representative. Linda […]

THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX ~ Welcome to the Latest Government SNAFU

THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX ~ Welcome to the Latest Government SNAFU

The Cause, The Cure, and The Obstacles to Recovery Part I By: Charles Ormsby – May, 2009  TANSTAAFL: “There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch!” – Anonymous When economic decisions are based on political considerations and not on rational economic calculations, wealth is squandered and the economic piper must be paid. It is […]

Niki Tsongas announces Lawrence to receive more than $3.5 million in first allocation of recovery funding

Haverhill to receive $282,000; Methuen $79,000  Posted: March 05, 2009    Congresswoman Niki Tsongas announced today that the City of Lawrence will receive approximately $3,500,000 as funding begins to be released from the recently passed American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). The funding will help create jobs locally through the construction and restoration of public […]

City Approves Sal Lupoli’s $100 Million Retail Development on Merrimack Street

City Approves Sal Lupoli’s $100 Million Retail Development on Merrimack Street

Slated to Bring 2,000 New Jobs to Lawrence   By: Tom Duggan  February 2, 2009  The Lawrence Historical Commission voted Tuesday evening to approve the demolition of two buildings on Merrimack Street in Lawrence owned by Sal Lupol of Salvatore’s Restaurant, at Sal’s Riverwalk Properties, making way for a multi-million dollar development at the site […]

Mayoral Candidate in legal dispute

Mayoral Candidate in legal dispute

Israel Reyes at the center of lawsuit over allegations on May Street     By: Paula Porten  December, 2008   Former Lawrence City Councilor and candidate for Mayor, Israel Reyes, is wrangled in a lawsuit involving May Street Partners, LLC, Reyes Group, Inc. and several properties on May Street in Lawrence.  May Street Partners owns the […]

Andrea Traficanti Files for Permanent Disability

Andrea Traficanti Files for Permanent Disability

Fired Attorney’s Firm Member Made Millions on Taxpayers   Valley Patriot Staff – November, 2008 Former Lawrence city hall worker Andrea Traficanti will be back in court next month seeking permanent and total disability benefits after filing a new claim with the Department of Industrial Accidents.    Her claim now is that she is permanently and […]

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