Patrick-Baker Result No Surprise

  By: Robert O’Koniewki – November, 2010 If one had paid the slightest bit of attention to the progression of the latest gubernatorial election one would not have been surprised that Democrat Deval Patrick topped Republican Charlie Baker to grab the governor’s office for another four years. The result seemed to possess some shock to […]

Business as usual

Lawrence Mayor Lantigua has brought nothing but chaos and has no plan By:  Robert O’Koniewski, Esq. – July, 2010 When Mayor William Lantigua took over city government in January, he promised a break from the business as usual that we have seen under all previous administrations. His rhetoric may have been lofty, but it belied the […]

Laws? Laws? We don’t need no stinkin’ laws!

Corruption 101: Willie Lantigua, Lenny Degnan and Patrick Blanhette, By: Robert O’Koniewski, Esq.- June, 2010 The Commonwealth of Massachusetts comprises 351 cities and towns. From the Berkshires to the Cape, 350 communities and their leaders play by the rules and actually follow the laws as written. Then there is Lawrence, where apparently no rules or […]

Playing the race card in 2010

Is it time for City Councilor Grisel Silva to resign?     By: Robert O’Koniewski, Esq., – March, 2010   Just how far Lawrence can sink has yet to be seen. The recent events surrounding Mayor Lantigua’s insistence on keeping, and then resigning from, his State Representative job certainly has enabled us to plunge to the […]

Lantigua victory masterfully done – now the real work begins

Lantigua victory masterfully done – now the real work begins

  By: Robert O’Koniewski – November, 2009 The votes are in and Lawrence finally has met demographic expectations to attain its first popularly elected mayor of Hispanic descent. We will not use the trite adjective of “historic” to describe State Representative William Lantigua’s victory over District E City Councilor David Abdoo, as that has really […]

Who Will Lead Lawrence? An Evaluation of the two Candidates for Mayor in 2009

By: Tom Duggan – October, 2009 ELECTION EDITION Lawrence Mayor Michael Sullivan is finishing his final term because the city charter limits the mayor’s job to two, four year terms. Sullivan defeated Isabel Melendez in 2001 and Marcos Devers in 2005. Ironically Willie Lantigua endorsed and supported Isabel Melendez in ’01 but flipped in ’05 […]

Five of ten mayoral candidates fail to file campaign finances

Five of ten mayoral candidates fail  to file campaign finances

  By: Tom Duggan – October, 2009 Only half of the ten candidates running for mayor in Lawrence filed their campaign finances reports with Lawrence City clerk Billy Maloney by the September 15th deadline before the primary. By state law, candidates for all municipal offices must record and file a detailed accounting of all money raised and spent on […]

Finegold Benefitted from Campaign material printed by the Lawrence Public Schools

Finegold Benefitted from Campaign material printed by the Lawrence Public Schools

By: Tom Duggan – July, 2009 An investigation by the Massachusetts office of Campaign and Political Finance may not have issued their report yet on which elected officials benefited from campaign material printed in the Lawrence Public Schools I’m gong to tell you who they right now. At least three members of the Lawrence School Committee (Morris, Larocque and Mejia) benefited from literature printed […]

Mayoral Candidate in legal dispute

Mayoral Candidate in legal dispute

Israel Reyes at the center of lawsuit over allegations on May Street     By: Paula Porten  December, 2008   Former Lawrence City Councilor and candidate for Mayor, Israel Reyes, is wrangled in a lawsuit involving May Street Partners, LLC, Reyes Group, Inc. and several properties on May Street in Lawrence.  May Street Partners owns the […]

Front Runner Tsongas Calls For Immediate Withdrawal from Iraq

Front Runner Tsongas Calls For Immediate Withdrawal from Iraq

PAYING ATTENTION! with Tom Duggan Former Congressman Jim Shannon Endorses Tsongas   By: Tom Duggan, May 16, 2007   Niki Tsongas, the front runner in the race for the 5th congressional district visited the city of Lawrence last night at the opening of her Essex Street headquarters only feet away from city hall. Tsongas is […]

Latinos Peddling Racism Further Divides Our City

  By: Atty. Robert O’Koniewski – February, 2007 Recently a local Latino publication bemoaned in inflammatory racist terms the development of the Wood Mill by Robert Ansin. The writer speculated that the development would lead to an influx of 500-600 white residents into Lawrence. The writer was rather upset that this anticipated white migration into […]

Lawrence City Council Circus Delays NECCO Expansion Plan

    By: Tom Duggan – June, 2006 It was the usual circus at last nights meeting of the Lawrence City Council’s Housing Committee as Councilor Nilka Alvarez, (who is supposed to chair the meeting), completely lost control, allowing the meeting to degenerate into name calling, accusations of racism, a spate of misinformation, and a […]

Sullivan and Healey Will Make a Great Team

EDITORIAL  When the average voter goes to the polls during local elections, he is usually not thinking of party politics.  During local races, average voters look at individual candidates and cast a vote based upon which man or woman can serve their community better. A candidate’s party affiliation rarely comes to play during local races. […]