Last month, I posted a story about four children who died in U.S. custody at the border since December. Given all the misinformation and lack of logical thought on the subject, I injected my own opinion that having only four children die on the border in six months, was an amazingly low number given […]
While Big Tech Corporations Censor On-line Speech, You Can’t Censor PRINT! As we celebrate the 14th Anniversary of The Valley Patriot we see a troubling future for free speech and a free press here in the United States. As most people get their information about the world through the internet, print newspapers are folding daily. […]
VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL December, 2017 Last month this editorial page highlighted the problem of corporate social media tech-giants (like Facebook and Twitter) censoring political messages their employees don’t agree with. We were inundated by reader emails telling us that this was a manufactured crisis, claiming that Facebook and Twitter don’t censor messages based on the […]
Valley Patriot Editorial We are continually told by the executives of Google, Facebook, and Twitter that they do not have the capability to track or censor Muslim terrorists who use social media platforms to plan and carry out murder against those who oppose their Islamic agenda. As the result thousands if not millions have been […]
The slander and libel trial against Salem, NH resident Michael Demers begins on November 28th in Hillsboro Superior Court. Demers is being sued by Acadia Insurance for slander and defamation after publishing satirical artwork and parodies of their company and company employees on-line. Acadia is seeking to silence Demers who has been spearheading a […]
By: Tom Duggan, January, 016 For the last few months, The Valley Patriot has been sifting through dozens of complaints about the police chief and the inner workings of the Boxford Police Department. In any case where accusations are made against a public official, we requested public records, interview people involved, go to the town […]
Conservative radio talk show host John MacDonald walked out of his show, live, on the air Tuesday morning, after the 980WCAP radio station owner, Sam Poulten, “invaded” the program to ‘redirect’ the on-air conversation about Hillary Clinton’s emails and give the Clinton party line on what the host was discussing with his guest, Republican, Mary Burns. […]
By: Scott MacDonald – April 2014 On Monday March 19th, five Billerica selectmen candidates met for a final videotaped debate before the April 5th election. The debate touched on many important issues facing the Town of Billerica, including infrastructure improvements, economic development, and the town manager contract. As the debate was coming to a close, […]
READ PART 1 Valley Patriot publisher Tom Duggan (TD) and Greater Boston Tea Party President Christine Morabito (CM) interviewed Lt. Colonel and former Congressman Allen West (AW) during at the Nashua City Republican Committee’s annual Steak-Out in August. This is part two of that interview. TD: When we have Tea Party rallies I often talk […]
By: Tom Duggan – July, 2012 Several readers of The Valley Patriot who also read the Bi-Lingual newspaper in Lawrence called “Rumbo” contacted the Valley Patriot last month complaining that the paper was not only targeting people based on their race (racism by definition) they were printing falsehoods in order to do it. The […]
By: Joe D’Amore – May, 2012 Here is my response to questions raised by a reporter of a local newspaper. Groveland’s Candidate’s Night is the only event that offers an opportunity for citizens to view candidates and discuss issues for upcoming elections. The event occurred on April 12th at Town Hall and was not […]
July, 2007 Careful readers of this paper have probably noticed the above byline under The Valley Patriot banner since our very first printing. We chose this byline, the first five words of the First Amendment to the U. S. Constitution, because we believe that this amendment is the first line of defense against government trampling our rights […]