PAYING ATTENTION with TOM DUGGAN: A Sane Immigration Policy that Democrats Hate

PAYING ATTENTION with TOM DUGGAN: A Sane Immigration Policy that Democrats Hate

July, 2018 With all the lies and misinformation in the so called “news” industry, it’s important to keep focus on what is real and what is true when it comes to the immigration debate. Sure, we all have opinions on immigration and illegal aliens, but before we can even approach a solution we have to […]

Graham Pledges to Make Trump Ambassador to Mexico: “We have a problem with Hispanics for a reason”

Graham Pledges to Make Trump Ambassador to Mexico: “We have a problem with Hispanics for a reason”

South Carolina Senator and candidate for president, Lindsey Graham toured the Granite State indoor Range in Hudson, NH. Valley Patriot polisher Tom Duggan and writer Christine Morabito attended the event and interviewed Graham after a few rounds of shooting. Also present was Gina Marini of NH1 TV. Gina Marini: What is your game plan for […]

The Campaign against “Secure Communities”

The Campaign against “Secure Communities”

  Opponents of Secure Communities Come Out in Full Force     By: Tom Duggan, Valley Patriot Publisher – April, 2011   A forum was held last month at Lawrence High School by the Deval Patrick administration. Governor Patrick wanted to get feedback from the public on a federal program that would allow police to […]

Ogonowski: Niki Tsongas Supports Amnesty for Illegal Aliens

  “I will Support a Border Fence and Deporting Illegals”   September 21, 2007 Fifth District Congressional candidate Jim Ogonowski visited Lawrence again Friday morning holding a press conference at the Lawrence Fire Station on Lowell Street. Ogonowski spoke for ten minutes before a small crowd of Lawrence residents declaring his support for deporting illegal […]