The Truth About Narcan – Chief Talks Openly About Downsides of Narcan

The Truth About Narcan – Chief Talks Openly About Downsides of Narcan

By: Tom Duggan – July, 2016 From talking to police chiefs all over The Valley, it’s become increasingly clear that use of the new drug narcan is causing some unintended consequences. Narcan is a drug administered to someone who has died of a heroin overdose and brings them back to life. While most police chiefs […]

The Ugly Truth About Common Core Education

The Ugly Truth About Common Core Education

By: DJ Deeb – May, 2016 The debate over Common Core has been heating up over the past several months, especially with the Presidential and Congressional Elections looming. The purpose of this article is to explain the origins of Common Core, summarize the standards, and offer suggestions on how to stop Common Core from being […]

What is Truth

What is Truth

  By: Paul Murano – April, 2011 This month the world’s two billion Christians celebrate Easter, their biggest holiday of the year. I want to focus on three words posed as a question by Pontius Pilate just hours before the Easter resurrection event. According to historical records these three words make up the last question […]