HERO IN OUR MIDST By: Helen Mooradkanian – September 2013 It was January 1, 1945 as the convoy of 556 ships filled the horizon—LSTs, troop ships, aircraft carriers, submarines, destroyers, cruisers, and warships equipped with the largest guns, 16-inch diameter. They were sailing from Dutch New Guinea to Lingayen Gulf on the island of Luzon, […]

Andover 1640

  By Anne Knowles – August, 2013 Kathleen Kent is a tenth generation descendent of Martha Carrier. What does this mean to Andover today? Well, going back to the early settlers of Andover and Essex County, Martha, a citizen of Andover was hanged as a witch; a result of the craze that swept this area […]

TV TALK WITH BILL CUSHING – Ray Donovan Another Winner for Showtime

By: Bill Cushing – August, 2013 Showtime’s newest series, Ray Donovan, which premiered on June 30 on the premium cable network looks like another winner. The show, about a South Boston transplant working as a fixer for the rich and powerful in Hollywood, stars Liev Schreiber as the title character, and Jon Voight playing his […]


By: Helen Mooradkanian – August, 2013 Nineteen-year old Corporal William T. Poulios, of Chelmsford, 87th Infantry Division, 347th Regiment, swept across France, Belgium, Luxembourg, central Germany, to Czechoslovakia—in 154 days of combat! From December 6, 1944, to May 8, 1945 (when Germany unconditionally surrendered), the 87th drove relentlessly from Metz, France, to Plauen on the […]

Slavery Then and Now … By: Tom Weaver

By: Tom Weaver – Augut. 2013 What does it take to be a slave? We have the old definition – belonging to another person, but that has been outlawed in modern society. However, when we think of the old definition, where those people allowed liberty or the ability to pursue happiness? Were those people dependent […]

Chronically Sick and Don’t Know Why? – By: Dr. Jin Sung

By: Dr. Jin Sung, Functional Chiropractic – August, 2013 Leaky Gut Syndrome (LGS) may be a major contributor of disease and dysfunction and may account for a very large component of many chronic complaints. In LGS, the lining of the small intestine becomes inflamed and irritated allowing metabolic and microbial toxins normally kept within the […]

Why I am Running for West District Councilor in Methuen

By: Kenneth Willette – August, 2013 Based on constructive and positive feedback I received from political supporters, family members and friends in Methuen’s West End, I decided recently to join the race for West District Councilor. I have watched, with great dismay, the actions of the Methuen City Council over the past two years, which […]

Methuen to Treat for Mosquitoes, Spraying Will begin on Thursday, August 22nd

Spraying will begin on Thursday, August 22, 2013 from the hours of 8pm until 4am. Operations may continue on Friday, August 23, 2013 at 8pm From Methuen Mayor Steve Zanni, August 19, 2013  Mayor Stephen Zanni, the Methuen Public Schools and the City of Methuen Board of Health want to inform residents that Northeast Massachusetts […]

The Very BEST of Newburyport… From Rebeccah Pearson of

  By: Rebeccah Pearson, August 2013 Smitten – Newburyport Owner June Pastman of Smitten helps cater to the needs of customers and clients sharing her passion for the clothing industry that began from a young age. Instinctual knowledge of purchasing, dressing, and fashion consulting for women of work, leisure, and play speaks in volumes […]

The Ongoing Fight Against Tax Increases

By: State Senator Kathleen Ives – August, 2013 There has been some misinformation in the press about the Legislature’s recent vote to override Governor Deval Patrick’s veto of the Transportation Finance Bill. Some outlets are reporting that by fighting against the Governor on this veto, the legislature chose to raise the gas tax by 3 […]

Proposed Tewksbury Casino Good For Methuen, Merrimack Valley

The Tewksbury Board of Selectmen voted unanimously on July 18 to move forward a process that will let Tewksbury residents vote on whether or not to allow a Casino in their town. Tewksbury Selectmen should be commended for making the right decision in moving this proposal forward despite opposition from some powerful anti-casino interests. Although […]

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