The Red-Pilling of America ~ BENEATH THE SURFACE with PAUL MURANO

The Red-Pilling of America ~ BENEATH THE SURFACE with PAUL MURANO

By: Paul Murano – Aug. 2020 Like most people, I have a tendency to trust the establishment – of any profession. It is natural to trust. We humans begin life as babies totally trusting our parents. That trust is then extended to other family members, doctors, teachers, law enforcement and the like. It’s usually not […]

Hypocrisy, Insanity, and the Devil’s Playbook ~ BENEATH THE SURFACE with PAUL MURANO

Hypocrisy, Insanity, and the Devil’s Playbook ~ BENEATH THE SURFACE with PAUL MURANO

By: Paul Murano – Feb. 2020 It is bewildering how much comfort there is with inconsistency and contradiction today. We live in an era when logical consistency no longer matters. Truth and justice have taken a back seat to the attempt to fit everything into a man-made ideological narrative. This is particularly evident in the […]

Dialogue with a Relativist ~ BENEATH THE SURFACE with PAUL MURANO

Dialogue with a Relativist ~ BENEATH THE SURFACE with PAUL MURANO

By: Paul Murano – Oct. 2019 A Moral Relativist (a), and Natural Law theorist (b), Discuss Homosexuality a) Homosexuality is something you’re born with. There is no moral issue with homosexuality. b) Some people may experience same-sex attraction from an early age, but this isn’t relevant to the ethical question, which is whether one ought […]

The Meaning of Liberty ~ BENEATH THE SURFACE with PAUL MURANO

The Meaning of Liberty ~ BENEATH THE SURFACE with PAUL MURANO

By: Paul Murano – July 2019 As another Independence Day has come and gone, Americans had an opportunity again to reflect on the meaning of July 4th. Traditionally, we have self-identified as a nation of freedom and liberty. Yet, as we move further and further in time from the writing of the Declaration of Independence, […]

The Promises of God

The Promises of God

By: Peter Larocque – June, 2019 I am absolutely almost positive that many of you have heard the proverb, “Promises Made, Promises Kept”. As I looked for the genesis of this saying, it is still up for debate who said it first! When we are talking about us humans I can understand the confusion. But […]

Are Most Young People a Lost Cause, or Just Lost? ~ BENEATH THE SURFACE with PAUL MURANO

Are Most Young People a Lost Cause, or Just Lost? ~ BENEATH THE SURFACE with PAUL MURANO

By: Paul Murano – May, 2019 Although my social media posts, website blurbs, and newspaper articles pull no punches in articulating my personal take on important issues, my teaching style is very different. My approach in the college classroom is objective and Socratic, allowing for students to think for themselves by following reason wherever it […]

Kraft, Sex, and Cultural Confusion ~ BENEATH THE SURFACE

Kraft, Sex, and Cultural Confusion ~ BENEATH THE SURFACE

By: Paul Murano – March, 2019 We Americans tend to bask in the humiliation of others. This is especially true if they’re famous. Much of mainstream journalism has joined the tabloid industry in commonly breaking the eighth commandment by unnecessarily causing scandal and humiliation to individuals for the sake of ratings. Ratings means money, and […]