Sheriff Cousins Needs A New Approach to Opiod Addiction

Sheriff Cousins Needs A New  Approach to Opiod Addiction

By: Jerry Robito – July, 2015 Working in corrections for over thirty-four years, I have seen countless inmates return to jail for opiate addiction related crimes. The problem today is how little is being done to rehabilitate these inmates in hopes of them becoming successful upon their release back into the cities and towns of […]

The Kool Aid world of Obamacare ~ THE DOCTOR IS IN!

The Kool Aid world of Obamacare ~ THE DOCTOR IS IN!

By: Dr. Frank MacMillan – July, 2015 The US Supreme Court recently ruled in King v. Burwell that the health insurance subsidies written into the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) not only applied to insurance exchanges run by the State, but also to exchanges run by the Federal Government. Ruling otherwise would have thrown the […]

Paying Attention! with Tom Duggan: Corruption in Salisbury (8-1-15)

Paying Attention! with Tom Duggan: Corruption in Salisbury (8-1-15)

CLICK TO LISTEN TO OR DOWNLOAD HOUR 1 Tom and Paul chat with famous weatherman “HIGH PRESSHA” Al Kaprielian, then the guys interviewed Rev. Bob Gallagher, former member of the Salisbury Board of Health who was fired for being a whistle blower. CLICK TO LISTEN TO OR DOWNLOAD HOUR 2: Tom and Paul continue to talk about […]

Ethics Commission Issues Enforcement Letter to State Trooper Seth Peterson for Improperly Using His Official Position

Ethics Commission Issues Enforcement Letter to State Trooper Seth Peterson for Improperly Using His Official Position

Intervened with a tow company operator in an effort to have a tow charge reduced for a family member, then retaliated against the tow company On May 21, 2015, the State Ethics Commission (“Commission”) voted to find reasonable cause to believe that Massachusetts State Police Trooper Seth Peterson violated the state’s conflict of interest law […]

Will Lawrence Treat Illegals Better Than People From Lowell?

Will Lawrence Treat Illegals Better Than People From Lowell?

By: Kathy Runge, July, 2015 The City Council, led by Council President Maldonado, a.k.a. Lawrence’s Ambassador to the UN, has been busy in the last month. The FY16 budget got approved with Maldonado providing the only dissenting vote. He proposed a series of potential cuts and argued for them while acting as president of the […]

Methuen City Councilor Joyce Campagnone Fined $5K for Conflict of Interest Law Violations

Methuen City Councilor Joyce Campagnone Fined $5K for Conflict of Interest Law Violations

July 28, 2015 The Massachusetts State Ethics Commission has fined Methuen City Councilor Joyce Campagnone, $1,000 civil penalty for the violation of conflict of interest laws and was ordered to pay restitution to the City of Methuen in the amount of $4,000. Campagnone, a Methuen City Councilor, is also a full-time paid employee of the Greater Lawrence […]

Harrington Admits Town Violating Permanent Public Records Laws

Harrington Admits Town Violating Permanent Public Records Laws

By: Tom Duggan – July, 2015 Salisbury Town Manager Neil Harrington has once again violated state laws governing public records. This time, laws governing the retention of public records as part of a lawsuit. The lawsuit in question was filed by the Tomaselli sisters. Harrington is claiming that permanent documents being sought by Gracemarie and […]

Lantigua Puppet Modesto Maldonado Must Go! ~ Paying Attention with Tom Duggan

Lantigua Puppet Modesto Maldonado Must Go! ~ Paying Attention with Tom Duggan

July, 2015 Now that his pal Willie Lantigua is out of office, you will hardly find another politician in Lawrence as slick and sleazy as City Council President Modesto Maldonado. Maldonado was a part of the Lantigua machine. His job in that span of four years on the council was to advance Lantigua’s agenda and […]

Media Lies and Media Bias: Why Trump is Under Attack ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (7-15)

Media Lies and Media Bias: Why Trump is Under Attack ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (7-15)

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL July, 2015 Those who work in the “news” industry are obsessed with promoting lies and half-truths to destroy political candidates they do not like, instead of just doing their jobs and reporting the news. Last month, Donald Trump became the latest to fall victim to the liars in the “news” media, as […]

Cape Wind Project: A Tale of Crony Environmentalism: (Part 3) Kennedys and Indians

Cape Wind Project: A Tale of Crony Environmentalism: (Part 3) Kennedys and Indians

By Christine Morabito – July 2015 Supporters of Cape Wind desperately want you to believe that those opposed to the massive offshore industrial project are afflicted with the “not in my backyard” (NIMBY) syndrome. This conjures up images of affluent, elitist Cape Coders, who cannot bear to have their precious views spoiled by unsightly turbines. […]

Pelletier Family Gives Powerful Testimony in Support of Justina’s Law

Pelletier Family Gives Powerful Testimony in Support of Justina’s Law

By: Bharani Padmanabhan – July 3, 2015 Valley Patriot readers may be familiar with the 17 month long ordeal suffered by young Justina Pelletier at the hands of the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families (DCF) and the huge effort it took from 100,000 ordinary people from across this great land who came together to […]

Merrimack Valley’s Queer Youth and Gay Straight Alliance in Grammar Schools

Merrimack Valley’s Queer Youth and Gay Straight Alliance in Grammar Schools

By: Dani Langevin: June, 2015 Last month I had the pleasure of visiting Methuen High School and sitting in on a meeting of the GSA (Gay Straight Alliance). Several of my colleagues and I are currently organizing such a group at the Marsh Grammar School and wanted to see one in action. I was very […]

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