The Gay Terrorist – YE GAY OL’ VALLEY

By: Dani Langevin – April, 2012 Army specialist Bradley Manning was arrested on May 29, 2010 for downloading and sending thousands of sensitive military reports related to missions in Iraq and Afghanistan to WikiLeaks, a website known for divulging classified information. Upon his arrest, Manning was charged with 22 counts which include indirectly aiding the […]

Standing up for Victims of Murder

April, 2012 The Merrimack Valley Chapter of Parents of Murdered Children, (POMC) invites you to the 4th Annual Candlelight Vigil on April 23, 2012, in recognition of National Crime Victim’s Rights Week. This year’s theme, Extending the Vision: Reaching Every Victim” and the theme colors are blue and black. The event opens at the Lowell […]

Chris Christie on Israel – and What It Means to Be a Leader

By: Dennis Prager – March 2012 New Jersey Governor Chris Christie addressed the American Israel @ Affairs Committee (AIPAC) last week. In the few words reported by the Weekly Standard magazine, he said just about everything one needs to know about Israel; about America and Israel; and about American political leadership: “America should stand by […]

Conservatives Draw Strength from CPAC

Conservatives Draw Strength from CPAC

  By: Christine Morabito, Greater Boston Tea Party, March, 2012 Much to the chagrin of Occupy D.C., last month’s CPAC was a tremendous success. The unholy mob had been plotting to disrupt the event by pulling fire alarms, cutting electrical power and even physically assaulting participants. If they were incensed by the keynote speaker, Sarah Palin, they were absolutely apoplectic about […]

The Politics of Fornication

The Politics of Fornication

  By: Paul Murano – March, 2012 A female Georgetown law student testified before Congress last week claiming that she is going through considerable hardship because her Catholic affiliated university does not offer her free contraception to allow her to fornicate with no natural consequences. In response, Nancy Pelosi commiserated, Rush Limbaugh referred to her […]

Proud Daughter of a Lesbian

Proud Daughter of a Lesbian

By: Dani Langevin I knew my daughter was bullied as a child, but didn’t know how much until I recently read an eloquent paper she had written for one of her college classes. She survived a life threatening tumor as a child which left her with an unusually large chin and noticeable scarring on her […]

The Tyranny of Despots and Buffoons

The Tyranny of Despots and Buffoons

THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX   By:Dr. Charles Ormsby – March, 2012 Can’t they just leave us alone? Why must they constantly meddle in our affairs? They are like overbearing busybodies with a congenital case of ego elephantiasis. Or is it arrogance elephantiasis? As children grow up they eventually outgrow the need for parental guidance. The […]

Hero in Our Midst: Colonel Kris Mineau, USAF (Ret.) – Valley Patriot of the Month

Helen Mooradkanian –  March, 2012 Colonel Kris Mineau, USAF (Ret.), of North Reading, flew 100 combat missions into North Vietnam in 1966 as fighter pilot in the supersonic F-4C Phantom II. Capable of speed Mach 2.23, more than twice the speed of sound, the Phantom was key to downing the Soviet MiG-21s used by the […]

Lifting the Veil on Welfare Fraud

Lifting the Veil on Welfare Fraud

  By: Christine Morabito, Greater Boston Tea Party – February, 2012 If there is one thing Massachusetts excels at it is rewarding bad behavior. Exhibit A: the lack of oversight applied to entitlement programs. Take EBT cards. While in many cases these cards are used for their intended purpose, the system is a magnet for waste, fraud and abuse. One […]

Breaking the Silence

  By: Debbie Papalia – February, 2012 At this year’s March for Life in Washington, DC, Steven Tyler, the famed frontman of Aerosmith and the “American Idol” judge was mentioned in a post-abortion testimony on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court building during the “Silent No More” Awareness Rally; Julia Holcomb testified how she […]

Identity Theft Crackdown Sweeps Across the Nation

Identity Theft Crackdown Sweeps Across the Nation

More than 200 Actions Taken in 23 States   (Boston) The Internal Revenue Service and the Justice Department today announced the results of a massive national sweep cracking down on suspected identity theft perpetrators as part of a stepped-up effort against refund fraud and identity theft. Working with the Justice Department’s Tax Division and local […]

Women and Children First

Women and Children First

  By: Paul Murano – February, 2012 The capsizing of the Costa Concordia in Santa Marinella, Italy where the captain apparently abandoned ship with passengers still on board recalls the old saying, Women and Children First. It was a saying that captured a cultural assumption that seems to be lost today. Not too long ago […]

Why Isn’t the Unemployment Rate Zero?

Why Isn’t the Unemployment Rate Zero?

… or, there goes the government screwing things up again! Thinking Outside the Box: by Charles Ormsby We are so used to hearing about the rate of unemployment that we have come to think that a significant percentage of the workforce (those who are able and desiring to work) being unemployed is normal. But it […]

U.S. Senator Scott Brown kicks off his re-election to “The People’s Seat”

U.S. Senator Scott Brown kicks off his re-election to “The People’s Seat”

Brown, the bridge builder vs.Warren, the rock thrower Brown Kicks off Reelection Campaign at Packed Worcester Venue   Cecilia P. Calabrese   On a cold January night in 2010 the Country’s political landscape changed forever with the election of Scott Brown (R-Wrentham) to the United States Senate.  Two years ago theCommonwealthofMassachusettsmade history having elected a […]

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