House Passes Law To Require Donor ID For Super PAC Campaign Contributions

House Passes Law To Require Donor ID For Super PAC Campaign Contributions

By: State Rep. Linda Dean Campbell The House of Representatives recently passed legislation that will substantially increase the disclosure of specific donors to Super Political Action Committees (PACs). This was a direct response to the ever increasing influence that ‘dark money’ or undisclosed contributions had in the most recent Boston Mayoral race, and the expectation […]

Firefighters’ Union Calls Out Mayor for Shutting Down Fire Stations

Firefighters’ Union Calls Out Mayor for Shutting Down Fire Stations

From Eric Zahn, President Lawrence Firefighter’s Union LAWRENCE – In response to Mayor Rivera’s recent statement in the Eagle Tribune on Sunday April 26, 2014, the Lawrence Firefighters’ Union Local 146 would like to add the following information. A budgetary miscalculation done last year is the reason why our budget is coming up short. To […]

Salisbury Continues Telling $80 Million Lie to Bankruptcy Court

By: Gracemarie and Joyce Tomaselli How many new buyers, realtors, attorneys and judges know the legal meaning of “impose – levy – assess”? Read this, because when you don’t understand the difference, you could be tricked to believe that you owe(d) an assessment/betterment bill that you did not owe. Our experience is that municipalities and […]

House, Senate Pass VALOR Act II

(BOSTON) – Representative Frank A. Moran (D-Lawrence) joined his colleagues in the Legislature to pass the VALOR Act II which builds upon existing legislation to expand opportunities and services for military personnel, veterans and their families. The legislation provides increased property tax relief and enhances employment, educational and healthcare support services. It creates a home […]

Jerry Robito to Challenge Frank Cousins for Sheriff in 2016

Jerry Robito to Challenge Frank Cousins for Sheriff in 2016

By: Jerry Robito – April, 2014 The position of Sheriff should not be held by a career politician. Instead, it should be held by a law enforcement professional who has worked in corrections. The Sheriff of Essex County has been an elected position since 1856, and there has never been an elected Sheriff that has […]

Billerica Selectmen Accomando and Gagliardi Support Censorship

Billerica Selectmen Accomando and Gagliardi Support Censorship

By: Scott MacDonald – April 2014 On Monday March 19th, five Billerica selectmen candidates met for a final videotaped debate before the April 5th election. The debate touched on many important issues facing the Town of Billerica, including infrastructure improvements, economic development, and the town manager contract. As the debate was coming to a close, […]

Methuen Councilor Pens Letter of Endorsement for Sheriff Candidate Jerry Robito against Frank Cousins

Methuen Councilor Pens Letter of Endorsement for Sheriff Candidate Jerry Robito against Frank Cousins

Methuen City Councilor Sean Fountain has submitted a letter to the editor asking for your support of his candidate for Essex County Sheriff Jerry Robito. Fountain is a member of the North Andover Fire Department and has a political reputation as being strong on public safety. The Sheriff’s race is not  Here’s Fountain’s Letter.  It […]

Sexual Harassment, Discrimination

Sexual Harassment, Discrimination

By: Attorney Timothy Stark – February, 2014 Many people don’t realize that sexual harassment is actually a form of sex discrimination. The statute that makes sexual harassment unlawful in Massachusetts is M.G.L. c. 151B. Although there are also federal statutes that prohibit sexual harassment, it is often better for an employee to file the action […]

Martha Coakley – Against Sunshine and For Hiding Public Malfeasance

By: Dr. Bharani Padmanabhan – February, 2014 Attorney General Martha Coakley made a lot of noise prior to her last election about public entities not being allowed to force nondisclosure agreements onto whistleblowers and other employees. Turns out it was just that, noise. In a very important report this week, the Globe revealed that it had […]

Commissioner Ed Davis sadly is not this Commonwealth’s Role Model

By: Dr. Bharani Padmanabhan – January, 2014 In Boston a young woman was murdered recently. The murderer had previously attacked another but hadn’t been arrested, even though he dropped his wallet at the scene and the poor victim had described him. The death of Amy Lord thus was an undeniably preventable murder that should have been […]

Letter from Tomaselli Sisters on The $80 Million Lie in Salisbury

Letter to Tom Duggan, Publisher of the Valley Patriot, We thank you for your quest to report the truth to your readers. You have devoted an enormous amount of time researching and reviewing government and court documents relating to the Town of Salisbury and their corruption scheme. After people read the August 2013 edition of […]

Non-Compete Agreements in Massachusetts

By: Attorney Timothy Stark – January, 2014 Covenants not to compete are contracts provided to an employee by an employer that are intended to limit and/or restrict an employee from working for competitors after the employment relationship is terminated. They are sometimes given to the employee at the time of the employment offer, but in […]

Massachusetts House of Representatives: 2013 and 2014

By: State Rep. Linda Dean Campbell – January, 2014 Last year was a very productive year for our Legislature and 2014 will bring forth necessary and spirited debate on some key issues to include ballot initiatives. In 2013, the focus of the Legislature was upon the economy, transportation, welfare reform, regulating compounding pharmacies, election laws, […]

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