Why Tom Duggan Should not Leave the Republican Party

By: State Representative Lenny Mirra – September, 2013 Conversations with our fearless editor Tom Duggan typically turn into loud and contentious affairs. It was no exception at our latest discussion while at a fundraiser for our good friend Shiela Mullins who we both hope will be Newburyport’s newest City Councilor At-Large. Tom came in guns […]

Slavery Then and Now … By: Tom Weaver

By: Tom Weaver – Augut. 2013 What does it take to be a slave? We have the old definition – belonging to another person, but that has been outlawed in modern society. However, when we think of the old definition, where those people allowed liberty or the ability to pursue happiness? Were those people dependent […]

The Ongoing Fight Against Tax Increases

By: State Senator Kathleen Ives – August, 2013 There has been some misinformation in the press about the Legislature’s recent vote to override Governor Deval Patrick’s veto of the Transportation Finance Bill. Some outlets are reporting that by fighting against the Governor on this veto, the legislature chose to raise the gas tax by 3 […]

Adventures in Lawrence Election Fraud

By: Kathy Runge – August, 2013 Anyone familiar with the city of Lawrence is aware of the lax record keeping and controls in various city departments, i.e. city garages and Inspectional Services to name two. Does anyone believe it’s any better in the Elections Department? Let me share my findings. I’ve been writing programs to […]

An Inside Look From State Rep. Diana DiZoglio

By: State Rep. Diana Dizoglio If there is one thing that I have learned during my first term representing you on Beacon Hill, it’s that things don’t always appear as they seem and that the legislative process can be a real head scratcher. Witness recently when Governor Deval Patrick vetoed a transportation bill that significantly […]

Why MA needs to defund Common Core

By Sandra Stotsky – July, 2013 Why Massachusetts needs to defund implementation and testing of Common Core’s current standards In this essay, I suggest why Common Core’s English language arts and mathematics standards need revision before further implementation in any Common Core state—and well before tests are given that are based on these flawed standards. […]

Representative DiZoglio Votes to Strengthen EBT Enforcement

Representative DiZoglio Votes to Strengthen EBT Enforcement

  BOSTON – State Representative Diana DiZoglio (D-Methuen) joined her colleagues in the Massachusetts House of Representatives in passing legislation that provides immediate funds for reforms to the electronic benefit transfer (EBT) system and the Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA). The bill updates EBT oversight measures included in the FY ’14 budget and advances continuous […]

Why MA needs to defund Common Core

By Sandra Stotsky, special to the Valley Patriot Why Massachusetts needs to defund implementation and testing of Common Core’s current standards In this essay, I suggest why Common Core’s English language arts and mathematics standards need revision before further implementation in any Common Core state—and well before tests are given that are based on these […]

The Corruption of a President

By: Tom Weaver – June 2013 Yes, our President is fighting a war, a war run by bureaucrats with rules of engagement set by those not risking their lives to carry out a mission. Young folks are being killed and maimed by those we believe may be friends. But, we will continue the mission, even […]

Speaking In Support of Police Training and Public Safety

Speaking In Support of Police Training and Public Safety

By: Senator Katie O’Connor Ives – June 2013 May was a busy month in the Senate. It was my first budget season and per tradition in the legislature, a new legislator has to give a first formal speech – a “maiden speech” before being able to engage in discussion and debate on the floor. Senators […]

It’s Kitten Season!!

It’s Kitten Season!!

By: Crystal Galloway Arnott – May 2013 Shelter Manager, Lowell Humane Society Sure signs of spring have arrived, sunshine and blooming flowers, but for those of us in the animal sheltering field we have a different name for it: KITTEN SEASON. The usual reaction to kittens is a chorus of “awwws” and the fierce desire to snuggle […]

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