Breaking the Silence

  By: Debbie Papalia – February, 2012 At this year’s March for Life in Washington, DC, Steven Tyler, the famed frontman of Aerosmith and the “American Idol” judge was mentioned in a post-abortion testimony on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court building during the “Silent No More” Awareness Rally; Julia Holcomb testified how she […]

Women and Children First

Women and Children First

  By: Paul Murano – February, 2012 The capsizing of the Costa Concordia in Santa Marinella, Italy where the captain apparently abandoned ship with passengers still on board recalls the old saying, Women and Children First. It was a saying that captured a cultural assumption that seems to be lost today. Not too long ago […]

The Sad, Surprising Tale of Chuck Turner

The Sad, Surprising Tale of Chuck Turner

  By: Jeff Katz – February, 2012 It is a very rare occasion when I am surprised by a politician’s action. At this point in my life, I’d like to think I’ve seen it all. Growing up in Philadelphia, where we routinely had 75% or higher voter turnout from cemeteries, I learned that death did […]

Why Isn’t the Unemployment Rate Zero?

Why Isn’t the Unemployment Rate Zero?

… or, there goes the government screwing things up again! Thinking Outside the Box: by Charles Ormsby We are so used to hearing about the rate of unemployment that we have come to think that a significant percentage of the workforce (those who are able and desiring to work) being unemployed is normal. But it […]

Dirty Words

Dirty Words

By: Dani Langevin – January, 2012 I recently watched the movie The Help, an outstanding movie. Good enough to be put on my Christmas list. Like any good movie, it ran the gamut of many emotions and it was a story I revisited for days afterward thinking about its meaning, impact and historical value. I […]

The Family of Firefighters: Honoring Hero Robert George

  Diana Fay Dizoglio – January, 2012 With heavy hearts people from all across Massachusetts honored four firefighters who lost their lives this holiday season. Among these brave fathers, husbands, brothers and sons was firefighter Robert George of Methuen who unexpectedly passed away just a few days before Christmas. Robert or “Robby” as his close […]

The Home of the Brave and the Free

The Home of the Brave and the Free

By: Kim Saltmarsh – January, 2012 It’s dawn. You’re hungry and cold, dirty and tired. The faint light of a rising sun only reflects the exhaustion and determination on your face. All you have is the hope that boot camp taught you well because you are an American Marine. I always honored our American troops, […]