Senator DiZoglio Calls for Full Senate Investigation into The Scapegoating of Francisco Urena After the Deaths of 77 Veterans in the Holyoke Old Soldiers Home

Senator DiZoglio Calls for Full Senate Investigation into The Scapegoating of Francisco Urena After the Deaths of 77 Veterans in the Holyoke Old Soldiers Home

“The Governor “forgot” who he hired (Walsh) and a head had to roll, so he sent the Lawrence kid packing. Our purple Heart veteran Francisco Urena should certainly receive a public apology.” ~ State Senator Diana DiZoglio By: Tom Duggan – June 1, 2021 Massachusetts State Senator Diana DiZoglio (D-Methuen) is calling for a full […]



Hello Valley Patriot Readers, In late March, we were all devastated to learn of the tragedy involving David Almond, the 14-year-old autistic boy who died last October after being found living in abhorrent conditions. Fall River police went to the Almond house after receiving a report of an unresponsive person. There, officers found David, bruised, […]

Some Legislation I Am Filing This Session

Some Legislation I Am Filing This Session

By: State Rep. Linda Dean Campbell – May, 2021 The Massachusetts House of Representatives is in high gear working on newly filed legislation and passing a state budget. I have filed new bills this session pertaining to the environment, public safety, substance abuse prevention, mental health, Veterans, our National Guard, and more. One issue I […]

Racist Term “Latinx” Must be Rejected by the Media ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (5-21)

Racist Term “Latinx” Must be Rejected by the Media ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (5-21)

May, 2021 Political activists have created a new term to label and stereotype Latinos in an attempt to find a “gender neutral” term of referring to Spanish speaking Americans from South or Central American countries. We recognize this term “Latinx” as blatantly racist and an affront to everything that is Latino culture. We refuse to […]

K9 Kevin & His Drug Searching Dogs Making a Dent in the War on Addiction

Lifelong Lawrence resident Kevin Droin has found a unique niche in fighting the war on addiction in the Merrimack Valley. Droin and his two drug sniffing dogs [Moxie and Maverick] do not work for law enforcement and do not work in conjunction with law enforcement. Instead, Droin privately contracts with companies, individuals, rehab and detox […]

Language Manipulation ~ BENEATH THE SURFACE with PAUL MURANO

Language Manipulation ~ BENEATH THE SURFACE with PAUL MURANO

By: Paul Murano – April, 2021 Whoever controls the language controls the culture. The right use of language conveys objective truth. Yet, ideology depends on manipulating terms to convert the uncritical masses to a particular worldview. America now has two generations formed by professional language manipulators, seeking to create a society addicted to itself in […]

Perry’s New VSO, Putting Veterans First In Methuen ~ The Perry Report

Perry’s New VSO, Putting Veterans First In Methuen ~ The Perry Report

By: Eric Spagnoli Methuen Mayor Neil Perry had an uphill battle recently getting his pick for Veteran’s Services Officer approved by the city council. A majority of the council was initially against the appointment of Paul Jensen after veteran groups in the city spoke out against his nomination. During the meeting however, Perry was able […]

Hidden Battle Foundation ~ KANE’S CORNER

Hidden Battle Foundation ~ KANE’S CORNER

Kane was excited to score an interview with Scott Hyder the Director of Hidden Battle Foundation and Social Media Director Christopher Hurst. Kane follows their social media page “Hidden Battles” on Facebook. This page features many helpful articles, supportive research, and motivational stories about the needs and tireless work of veterans and first responders in […]

State Support for Local Businesses

State Support for Local Businesses

By: Rep. Linda Dean Campbell The Massachusetts House of Representatives passed numerous bills last year to support small businesses and hard-hit industries like our restaurants. We have continued that work by sending to Governor Baker’s desk a financial relief bill to help businesses and employees most affected by the pandemic. The bill, which passed the […]

It’s Time to Reign in the Governor’s Unilateral Authority ~ IN YOUR CORNER with SENATOR DIZOGLIO

It’s Time to Reign in the Governor’s Unilateral Authority ~ IN YOUR CORNER with SENATOR DIZOGLIO

Hello Valley Patriot Readers, We have been under an indefinite state of emergency, declared by the Governor, for one year now – a challenging period in which we have witnessed countless small businesses close their doors for good and all too many individuals scramble and struggle to obtain a vaccine appointment. More now than ever, […]

Unlike Lawrence, Methuen Tries to Help the Homeless ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (05/21)

Unlike Lawrence, Methuen Tries to Help the Homeless ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (05/21)

  When faced with a growing homeless population, officials in the City of Lawrence, Massachusetts have literally done nothing in the last 8 years to help feed, clothe, house, or assist the homeless in any way. Instead, Lawrence has been bulldozing tents, taking what few possessions the homeless have, throwing a non-profit out of the […]

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