Mayor Sullivan Calls Remarks by Former Councilor “Racist”

Lawrence Mayor Michael Sullivan Calls Councilor Carlos Matos’ Remarks Racist Tom Duggan – June, 2008 Lawrence Mayor Michael Sullivan issued a press release this week calling comments in the Boston Globe by former Lawrence City Councilor Carlos Matos in the Boston Globe “racist.” Sullivan also complained about similar comments Matos made when he was spearheading […]

Police Investigate Middle School Death Threats

By: Tom Duggan – April 2008 NORTH ANDOVER – Several North Andover Middle School students are being investigated by the North Andover police for personal profiles posted on the America On Line Internet service threatening to harm fellow students and naming at least one teacher and a classmate the student pledges to “kill.”  These threats […]

The Real Disgrace in the Jennifer Padellaro Lawsuit

The Real Disgrace in the Jennifer Padellaro Lawsuit

PAYING ATTENTION! with TOM DUGGAN By: Tom Duggan – February, 2008 LAWRENCE, MA – Last month I wrote about the $610,000 lawsuit settled by the City of Lawrence with former Assistant City Clerk Jenniffer Padellaro. (Blanchette was Absolutely Right on Padellaro Lawsuit) Padellaro had been on worker’s compensation after leaving the position because she was exposed […]

Ethics in the Eagle Tribune

Ethics in the Eagle Tribune

PAYING ATTENTION! With TOM DUGGAN   By; Tom Duggan – September, April, 2007 Did anyone else notice in the Alabama Eagle~Tribune’s story on Ethics among elected officials on Sunday quoted Lawrence Council President Patrick Blanchette without mentioning that he had his city council office renovated out of the DPW budget, all the while he was […]

Hero in Our Midst – Francisco Urena – Valley Patriot of the Month Sept. 2007

  By: Tom Duggan, September, 2007  Most Lawrence residents know Francisco Urena as the city’s Veterans’ Services Director, but long before Urena came to work for the city of Lawrence he was serving the United States Marines in the 1st Tank Battalion in Iraq. Urena was born in the Dominican Republic and grew up in […]

Front Runner Tsongas Calls For Immediate Withdrawal from Iraq

Front Runner Tsongas Calls For Immediate Withdrawal from Iraq

PAYING ATTENTION! with Tom Duggan Former Congressman Jim Shannon Endorses Tsongas   By: Tom Duggan, May 16, 2007   Niki Tsongas, the front runner in the race for the 5th congressional district visited the city of Lawrence last night at the opening of her Essex Street headquarters only feet away from city hall. Tsongas is […]

Spanish Newspaper Siglo21 Misleading Latinos

Spanish Newspaper Siglo21 Misleading Latinos

PAYING ATTENTION! with Tom Duggan   By: Tom Duggan -Monday, May 7, 2007 Last week Siglo 21, (a partially bilingual newspaper) printed the following paragraphs about the ACLU and our website posting about the meeting: (Siglo21) “Tommy Duggan, the director of The Valley Patriot, the only member of the Anglo-American press present at the gathering […]

Criminals and Cop Haters “Educate” the ACLU

How People Hear What They Want to Hear  Paying Attention! With Tom Duggan By Tom Duggan – May, 2007 Last month the ACLU came to Lawrence for a meeting with citizens who had a beef with the Lawrence police. Packed in the large function room at “Casa Dominicana” on Essex St. were criminals, malcontents, racists […]

Perry Registers Car in New Hampshire

Perry Registers Car in New Hampshire

By: Tom Duggan – March, 2007 North Andover School Committee Chairman Al Perry has been seen driving around town in a new 2007 Cadillac Escalade with New Hampshire license plates. This week he admitted that he registered his new car in the state of New Hampshire, explaining that, “after March, I plan to spend much […]

Audit Shows North Andover School Committee Incompetence

PAYING ATTENTION! WITH TOM DUGGAN   By Tom Duggan, February, 2007 Maybe the North Andover School Committee really isn’t incompetent. Perhaps it is completely capable of running the schools efficiently and just refuses to do so. Whatever the case, an education audit released last month on the condition of the North Andover school system showed that […]

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