MEDIA WATCH SPECIAL ~ Bush Funded Stem Cell Research

MEDIA WATCH SPECIAL ~ Bush Funded Stem Cell Research

The Democrat Media Lie that Bush “Banned” Stem Cell Research  September 2004 Reading the headlines in the major newspapers one definitely gets the impression that President George W. Bush has banned stem cell research. Claims by presidential candidate John Kerry that President Bush is “ignoring science” in “his ban on stem cell research”, and claims […]

Brooks School Summer Camp Conducts Mock Marriage Ceremonies with Same Sex Children

  By: Tom Duggan – September 2004 NORTH ANDOVER – Children attending the Brooks School summer camp this year were encouraged to get “married” during carnival day where a mock marriage booth was set up for children to “marry” each other. According to several children who attended the day camp and two sets of parents […]

Education Myths Debunked by Real Life Examples

PAYING ATTENTION WITH TOM DUGGAN   By: Tom Duggan – May, 2004 Recent headlines in Merrimack Valley newspapers have proven that the sacred cow ideologies of public education espoused by liberals are in fact, myths. Myth #1 Money equals education: Most people have bought into the myth that spending more money on education results in […]

Marcos Devers Has it Right More Speech is Always Better – Paying Attention! with Tom Duggan

Marcos Devers Has it Right More Speech is Always Better – Paying Attention! with Tom Duggan

  March, 2004 When Lawrence City Councilor Marcos Devers was council president (2001-2003) there were no limits on discussion. Members of the public and fellow councilors had no limit on debate as long as the topic was on the agenda. Devers had a basic philosophy that his fellow councilors would be wise to adopt; more […]

Move Afoot to Unseat Devers As Lawrence Council President

  By: Tom Duggan  –  November 18, 2003 (on Loan from Tom Duggan’s Private Records – Published originally on According to some current and soon-to-be City Councilors there is a move afoot to replace Council President, Marcos Devers in January with Council Vice-President Patrick Blanchette. Some on the Council have complained that President Devers created […]

Why the Left Hates America

Why do they Hate you so much Mr. President?    By: Tom Duggan This column was originally posted on in November of 2003.  Yesterday, a reporter asked President Bush why the protesters hate him so much. Bush gave the diplomatic answer, saying that “freedom is wonderful” and reminding the world that the people of […]

Lawrence Forces Injured Officers to Sue For Disability Benefits Due Them

Just Who or What is Meditrol Inc.?   By: Tom Duggan (originally published in 2003,  The only people who seem to care about the answer to that question are the politicians and the men and women of the Lawrence Police Department.  Meditrol Inc., is a billing and management company that contracts with the City […]

Israel Reyes Accepts Campaign Benefits from Developers he Lobbied for as a Member of the Planning Board

Israel Reyes Accepts Campaign Benefits from Developers he Lobbied for as a Member of the Planning Board

Of Our Expose on Planning Board Member Israel Reyes Part 11 PAYING ATTENTION! WITH TOM DUGGAN   Before there was a Valley Patriot (established in 2004) there was, a blog before there were blogs, a news webpage before there were news webpages. Long before there was an Eagle Tribune web page or a there […]

Israel Reyes Lobbied Planning Board for Contributors

Israel Reyes Lobbied Planning Board for Contributors

Planning Board Member is Already Fleecing the System Part 1 Originally published on (10-10-03)   PAYING ATTENTION! WITH TOM DUGGAN   Before there was a Valley Patriot (established in 2004) there was, a blog before there were blogs, a news webpage before there were news webpages. Long before there was an Eagle Tribune web […]

How to Debunk a Socialist with a Few Easy Questions … Or … What I learned at Bread and Roses

How to Debunk a Socialist with a Few Easy Questions … Or … What I learned at Bread and Roses

Originally published on, 09/09/03 Socialists, Communists, Marxists and other liberty hating ideologues were out in full force at Lawrence’s Bread and Roses festival again this year. It is a festival rooted in celebrating the formation of unions in Lawrence and is usually hijacked by political groups with very unrealistic ideas. This is a real […]

Council to Hear from Public on Voter ID

Council to Hear from Public on Voter ID

  By: Tom Duggan (originally published on 05/19/03) The Lawrence City Council will hold a public hearing Tuesday night on a proposal to require all Lawrence residents to show photo identification before they vote … just as Lawrence residents who are Dominican citizens must show n ID when they vote in Lawrence for the […]