It’s Time For us to “Let the Mitt Hit the Fan”

It’s Time For us to “Let the Mitt Hit the Fan”

By: Jeff Katz – June, 2011 Sporting his best Brooks Brothers casual while serving up chicken-chili in a barnyard, Willard Mitt Romney made it officially official the other day while visiting his home State of New Hampshire that he was once again running for President of the United States. This announcement was completely different from […]

Valley Students Attend Pre-boot Camp Training

By: Tom Duggan – June, 2011 Local U.S. Marine recruiters in The Valley got their first look at the latest batch of recruits last month at Ft. Devans Army Base in Massachusetts. The new recruits, called “poolees” (recruits yet to attend basic training) were put through preliminary training to get them ready for the extensive […]

Random, Mostly Non-Political Observations about The Valley

Random, Mostly Non-Political Observations about The Valley

By: Jamison Tomasek – June, 2011 I noticed from Facebook the number of people that grew up in Lawrence and settled in the Merrimack Valley is very high. While this might not just be a Lawrence thing, it seems particularly pronounced here. The Lawrence Diaspora (migration) doesn’t seem like a random scattering. Almost everyone who […]

Labor Unions, What are They Good for?

Labor Unions, What are They Good for?

By: Peter Larocque – June, 2011 As the City of Lawrence prepares itself to begin budget discussions on the FY-2012 Budget, I thought it would be good to review some background information concerning Labor Unions. According to Wikipedia, the Web-based free encyclopedia, labor unions in the United States are legally recognized as representatives of workers […]

Can Lawrence Mayor Willie Lantigua Survive?

Can Lawrence Mayor Willie Lantigua Survive?

By: Tom Duggan, June, 2011 With several law enforcement agencies investigating the finances and political dealings of Lawrence Mayor Willie Lantigua, and the Boston media finally waking up to his political shenanigans, the question most people are asking is: can Lantigua survive?  Let me start by saying that I’ve known and studied the political genius […]

Reyes Demands Lantgua Pay Back School Funds

  By; Tom Duggan – May, 2011   Lawrence School Committeeman Sammy Reyes (District D) has written a scathing letter to the city council demanding that education funds (which were used for city services) be repaid to the school children of Lawrence. In his letter, Reyes threatens to turn in the Lantigua administration for misappropriation […]

The Recall Process in Lawrence

The Recall Process in Lawrence

  By: Jamison Tomasek – May, 2011 A recall effort is underway in the City of Lawrence. The process of a recall is contained in the City Charter (hereafter Charter). Section 9.7 entitled “Recall of Elected Officials.” As this section is written in government lingo, it does require a careful reading as well as some […]

Let’s talk About Public Safety

  By: Peter Larocque – April, 2011 According to Wikipedia, (meaning quick encyclopedia), a multilingual, web-based, free content encyclopedia, Public Safety involves the prevention of and protection from events that could endanger the safety of the general public from significant danger, injury/harm, crimes or disasters, (natural or man-made). In the United States we have the […]

It’s Time to Recall Mayor Lantigua

Valley Patriot Editorial ~ April, 2011 When will the people of Lawrence say “enough is enough” and start a recall petition against Lawrence Mayor Willie Lantigua?  In the year and a half Lantigua has been mayor, he has not only laid off cops and firefighters but has publicly attacked them at every turn, calling them […]

Bribery Is No Crime for Public Employee Unions

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL  MARCH, 2011   In the real world, ordinary citizens who bribe lawmakers for favors suffer serious consequences. Big fines and/or jail time are the rule. But this is not so with public employee unions. These groups donate thousands of dollars to the election campaigns of lawmakers, who in turn, favor them with […]

Source of Waste being Dumped into Shawsheen Traced Back to Local Businesses

Source of Waste being Dumped into Shawsheen Traced Back to Local Businesses

February, 2011 Valley Patriot readers will recall that last summer, residents living near the Shawsheen River reported the smell of raw sewage and a foul, cloudy discharge coming from a stormwater drain behind the South Lawrence East School. In May of last year, The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sent a letter to Lawrence DPW Director […]

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