The Mess That is the Recall against Lawrence Mayor Dan Rivera ~ Court Challenges, Threats of a Restraining Order, Mayor Claims Forgeries

The Mess That is the Recall against Lawrence Mayor Dan Rivera ~ Court Challenges, Threats of a Restraining Order, Mayor Claims Forgeries

By: Tom Duggan – 12-16-15 Laborer’s Union President Mike Gagliardi says that supporters of the failed recall petition against Lawrence Mayor Dan Rivera will be in court to file a law suit against the city if 1,500 signatures that were disqualified are not counted as valid. Gagliardi also says recall supporters will be asking for a […]

Recall Petition #1 Falls Short Against Rivera, Mayor Says He will Investigate Forgeries and Fraud, Call Out Opponents

Recall Petition #1 Falls Short Against Rivera, Mayor Says He will Investigate Forgeries and Fraud, Call Out Opponents

By: Tom Duggan – Dec. 11, 2015 The recall efforts against Lawrence Mayor Dan Rivera was dealt a critical blow Friday as recall supporters fell 655 signatures short of the 5,645 required to trigger a special election to throw Rivera out of office. This is only one of two recall efforts to unseat Rivera. Both recalls are being […]

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (Dec. 2015) – Recall Against Lawrence Mayor Rivera Must Fail

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (Dec. 2015) – Recall Against Lawrence Mayor Rivera Must Fail

In November of 2013, (then) Lawrence City Councilor Dan Rivera defeated incumbent Mayor Willie Lantigua by 84 votes. After a recount was conducted, and Rivera was again declared the winner, Mayor Lantigua told The Valley Patriot that he would be coming back to run against Rep. Marcos Devers and then, working full time to recall […]

Recall Chaos – Two Recalls vs Lawrence Mayor Rivera Now Circulating, Mayor Asks Judge for Fair Hearing

Recall Chaos – Two Recalls vs Lawrence Mayor Rivera Now Circulating, Mayor Asks Judge for Fair Hearing

LAWRENCE – The recall effort against Lawrence Mayor Dan Rivera by former Mayor William Lantigua supporters has declined into chaos with two separate (legally valid) recall petitions circulating throughout the city to remove the mayor from office. Rivera’s attorney was in court Wednesday asking a judge to put a halt to the second recall, the […]

Superior Court Judge Nullifies Recall Petitions vs Dan Rivera, Orders Election Board to Hold Hearing on Challenged Signatures

Superior Court Judge Nullifies Recall Petitions vs Dan Rivera, Orders Election Board to Hold Hearing on Challenged Signatures

The saga of the attempted recall of Lawrence Mayor Dan Rivera got more complicated Friday as a Lawrence Superior Court Judge put a stop to all recall activity ordering the Lawrence Board of Registrars to hold a hearing on signatures collected on an affidavit. SEE RULING>> DOC091715-09172015142844 Recall supporters who wish to remove Rivera from office […]

Labor Union to Bankroll Recall Efforts to Remove Lawrence Mayor, Calls Rivera “Sexist”, “Racist” and an “Oreo Cookie”

Labor Union to Bankroll Recall Efforts to Remove Lawrence Mayor, Calls Rivera “Sexist”, “Racist” and an “Oreo Cookie”

The president of a local union has come forward saying he and his organization are going to bankroll the recall petition against Lawrence Mayor Dan Rivera to have Rivera removed from office. A recall effort is underway in the city by undertaker Louis Farrah and his group  Mike Gagliardi, head of Laborers Union Local 175 in Methuen, […]

Lawrence Mayor Gets TRO Halting Recall Petition – Council President Illegally Forced Petitions to be Issues

Lawrence Mayor Gets TRO Halting Recall Petition – Council President Illegally Forced Petitions to be Issues

JUDGES ORDER DOC091715-09172015142844 A Lawrence Superior Court Judge has put a halt to the recall petition against Lawrence Mayor Dan Rivera Tuesday, issuing a temporary restraining order on the collection of signatures against the mayor until his challenge to the initial 100 signatures can be heard by the Lawrence Board of  Registrars. A recall affidavit was submitted […]

Lawrence Board of Registrars to Meet Wednesday on Recall of Mayor Dan Rivera

Lawrence Board of Registrars to Meet Wednesday on Recall of Mayor Dan Rivera

Sept 8, 2015|9PM Efforts to recall Lawrence Mayor Dan Rivera will move forward as the Lawrence Board of Registrars (BOR) has scheduled a meeting for Wednesday September 9th, on the recall affidavit submitted by attorney and funeral home director Louis Farrah.  The recall affidavit was submitted by Farrah on behalf of a group calling themselves The Foundation […]

Mayor Responds to Recall Against Him Recall Supporters Charge “Political Retaliation”

Mayor Responds to Recall Against Him Recall Supporters Charge “Political Retaliation”

Tom Duggan – Sept 2, 2015 Lawrence Mayor Dan Rivera has responded to allegations against him in a recall petition filed last month with the Lawrence Election Department. AFFIDAVIT HERE  Lawrence Police Officer William Green, a candidate for city council, told The Valley Patriot that the affidavit filed with the Lawrence Election Department to recall […]

Recall to be Filed Against Lawrence Mayor Rivera, Reasons Given Include Political Retaliation

Recall to be Filed Against Lawrence Mayor Rivera, Reasons Given Include Political Retaliation

September, 1, 2015 Mayor Rivera’s Response Posted 9/2/15 Lawrence Police Officer William Green told The Valley Patriot early Tuesday morning that an affidavit will be filed with the Lawrence Election Department  Wednesday at 1pm calling for a recall petition against Lawrence Mayor Dan Rivera. Among the reasons listed on the affidavit, Rivera is accused of political retaliation […]

Haverhill Police Station Sprinklers Recalled, City Officials Never Replaced Them

Haverhill Police Station Sprinklers Recalled, City Officials Never Replaced Them

By: Tom Duggan – April, 2015 Earlier this year The Valley Patriot published a report concerning the health dangers of leaking windows and the long term effects of the leaking roof at the Haverhill Police Station. These issues have existed going back to the actual construction of the station in 1998 and resulted in mold […]

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