The Sad, Surprising Tale of Chuck Turner

The Sad, Surprising Tale of Chuck Turner

  By: Jeff Katz – February, 2012 It is a very rare occasion when I am surprised by a politician’s action. At this point in my life, I’d like to think I’ve seen it all. Growing up in Philadelphia, where we routinely had 75% or higher voter turnout from cemeteries, I learned that death did […]

Economics 999 at New Hampshire presidential debate

  By: Alex Talcott – November, 2011 Hanover, NH – Long before Republican voters and the media class turned blue holding their breath for a white-knight 2012 presidential candidate, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg publicly decided against a run in late 2010. The business and financial television network bearing his name broadcasted a presidential […]

Hero in our Midst: Staff Sgt. John Katsaros, WWII – Part 1

Hero in our Midst: Staff Sgt. John Katsaros, WWII – Part 1

VALLEY PATRIOT OF THE MONTH   By: Helen Mooradkanian – September, 2011 Out of the darkness, engines roaring, hundreds of American B-17 Flying Fortresses took off March 20, 1944, in World War II, from Deenethorpe, England. Destination: Frankfurt. Mission: destroy production of dreaded Luftwaffe FW-190 fighter planes. At 30,000 feet, under heavily overcast skies and […]

More Trouble in the Lawrence Voter Lists

  By: Jamison Tomasek – September, 2011 Last month’s article detailed irregularities in the list of Lawrence registered voters. On the official voter list hundreds of voters were registered two or three times, with the repeating names typically spelling errors or maiden names.In any circumstance this would be troubling, as one of the primary responsibilities […]

More Trouble in the Lawrence Voter Lists

More Trouble in the Lawrence Voter Lists

Last month’s article detailed irregularities in the list of Lawrence registered voters. On the official voter list hundreds of voters were registered two or three times, with the repeating names typically spelling errors or maiden names.In any circumstance this would be troubling, as one of the primary responsibilities of the City Clerk’s Office is to […]


VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL  August, 2o11 The number of underhanded tactics employed by Lawrence Mayor Willie Lantigua and his supporters against the efforts to gather signatures for his recall were staggering. And they weren’t shy about it. They even bragged about it on Facebook. On the pro- Lantigua webpage Yo No Firma (which means DO NOT SIGN), Lantigua supporters attacked […]

President Barak Obama’s Divided States of America

President Barak Obama’s Divided States of America

    By: Christine Morabito (June, 2011) Merrimack Valley Tea Party After we elected our first black president, I recall Rush Limbaugh correcting a caller who predicted that henceforth, liberals would finally stop playing the race card. Rush disagreed, arguing that race relations would worsen, not improve. In Limbaugh’s opinion, you would now be unable […]

Can Lawrence Mayor Willie Lantigua Survive?

Can Lawrence Mayor Willie Lantigua Survive?

By: Tom Duggan, June, 2011 With several law enforcement agencies investigating the finances and political dealings of Lawrence Mayor Willie Lantigua, and the Boston media finally waking up to his political shenanigans, the question most people are asking is: can Lantigua survive?  Let me start by saying that I’ve known and studied the political genius […]

Monarch on The Merrimack Back on Track

Monarch on The Merrimack Back on Track

 By: Tom Duggan, May, 2011 Bob Ansin, (CEO of sustainable development company MassInnovation, and developer of the Wood Mill in Lawrence) has had his multi-million dollar renovation project on hold since October of 2007. That’s when several erroneous Eagle-Tribune stories alleged that Ansin was running out of funds and that asbestos was found inside the […]

Source of Waste being Dumped into Shawsheen Traced Back to Local Businesses

Source of Waste being Dumped into Shawsheen Traced Back to Local Businesses

February, 2011 Valley Patriot readers will recall that last summer, residents living near the Shawsheen River reported the smell of raw sewage and a foul, cloudy discharge coming from a stormwater drain behind the South Lawrence East School. In May of last year, The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sent a letter to Lawrence DPW Director […]

Laws? Laws? We don’t need no stinkin’ laws!

Corruption 101: Willie Lantigua, Lenny Degnan and Patrick Blanhette, By: Robert O’Koniewski, Esq.- June, 2010 The Commonwealth of Massachusetts comprises 351 cities and towns. From the Berkshires to the Cape, 350 communities and their leaders play by the rules and actually follow the laws as written. Then there is Lawrence, where apparently no rules or […]