Dirty Words

Dirty Words

By: Dani Langevin – January, 2012 I recently watched the movie The Help, an outstanding movie. Good enough to be put on my Christmas list. Like any good movie, it ran the gamut of many emotions and it was a story I revisited for days afterward thinking about its meaning, impact and historical value. I […]

The Family of Firefighters: Honoring Hero Robert George

  Diana Fay Dizoglio – January, 2012 With heavy hearts people from all across Massachusetts honored four firefighters who lost their lives this holiday season. Among these brave fathers, husbands, brothers and sons was firefighter Robert George of Methuen who unexpectedly passed away just a few days before Christmas. Robert or “Robby” as his close […]

Chester’s Coup d’etat

Chester’s Coup d’etat

  By: Peter Larocque – January, 2012 As of the time this article went to print, The Massachusetts Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education, Mr. Mitchell Chester held meetings with the Lawrence Teacher’s Union, Lawrence Parents and Community members, and finally with the Lawrence Public School Personnel. His message to all is that he is […]

Another Socialist Lie: Crony Capitalism

Another Socialist Lie: Crony Capitalism

THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX   By: Dr. Charles Ormsby-January, 2012   Circles can’t be squares and squares can’t be circles. For something to meet the requirements of both definitions is a logical impossibility. Just as square circles and circular squares don’t exist, I can assure you that crony capitalism doesn’t exist. And if you knew […]

Four Years and Counting!

Four Years and Counting!

PUPPY LOVE WITH KATE WHITNEY     By: Kate Whitney – December, 2011 This month celebrates my four year anniversary writing for this fantastic newspaper! First and foremost, I want to give a big thank you to Tom Duggan (editor of the Valley Patriot). Without the “VP”, there would be no Puppy Girl column. Tom […]

An Exclusive Interview with Newt Gingrich

An Exclusive Interview with Newt Gingrich

Speaker Gingrich talks about The Border, EPA, Education and More   Tom Duggan, Christine Morabito, Justess Bowles November, 2011 The Valley Patriot was invited to sit with Former Speaker of the House and presidential candidate Newt Gingrich. Valley Patriot President Tom Duggan, Tea Party Columnist Christine Morabito and College student Justess Bowles sat with Speaker […]

North Andover School Chairman’s e-mail Touches Off Firestorm

VALLEY PATRIOT EXCLUSIVE!! Tom Duggan – Valley Patriot Publisher NORTH ANDOVER – School Committee Chairman Chris Allen thinks that the Merrimack Valley Tea Party and town activist Ted Tripp are “small minded” for opposing the proposed meals tax on the town meeting warrant last week. She also believes, or at least says she believes, that […]

American Capitalism: Why the Hate?

American Capitalism: Why the Hate?

By: Christine Morabito, December, 2011 What a sad day in this country when our capitalist system is equated with evil. With the emergence of the Occupy Wall Street movement, and the Obama administration urging them on, class warfare has pulled up an unwelcomed chair. Surely I am not the only one deeply disturbed by anarchists […]

Fatherhood Coalition looks to repeal 209A Restraining Order Law

Fatherhood Coalition looks to repeal 209A Restraining Order Law

PAYING ATTENTION WITH TOM DUGGAN   By: Tom Duggan – November, 2011 The Massachusetts Fatherhood Coalition is trying to repeal the state’s 209A restraining order law saying that the law makes criminals out of men who have not broken the law, “often with only the word of an angry wife or girlfriend who has an […]

Former UN Ambassador Bolton’s Harsh Criticism for Obama

Former UN Ambassador Bolton’s Harsh Criticism for Obama

By: Christine Morabito – November, 2011 It disappointed many conservatives when former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton announced he was not running for president. His invaluable foreign policy experience is sorely lacking in the current administration; and the world is taking notice. Obama is “the first president since Franklin Roosevelt, since Pearl Harbor, who doesn’t put protecting America’s security at the top of […]

Massachusetts’ 209A Restraining Order Law Should Go

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL   November, 2011 The Fatherhood coalition of Massachusetts is trying to get signatures to place a measure on the ballot to abolish the state’s restraining order law often referred to as “209A.” (see story page 17) The proponents of this ballot initiative say that the law destroys families and discriminates against men, not to mention the fact […]