Phil Thibault Ignores Ethical Conflicts in Dracut

Phil Thibault Ignores Ethical Conflicts in Dracut

By: Brian Genest – Jan.  24 How can Dracut miss Phil Thibault if he won’t go away? Thibault, the town’s most rejected perennial candidate—a nine-time failure at the ballot box—has found a new way to add to his credentials as Dracut’s most monumental loser: Getting passed over for a variety of appointed positions on town […]

Unceasingly Grateful

Unceasingly Grateful

By: Philippe Thibault – Nov. 2023 Maybe it is the crisp air, the smell of fallen leaves, the sound of a crackling fire, the long shadows on midafternoon walks, or the plastic Santa Clauses that have been in stores since Labor Day, but this time of year brings out philanthropic qualities of goodwill that we […]

Phil Thibault Hasn’t Learned Lesson in Dracut ~ EYE ON DRACUT

Phil Thibault Hasn’t Learned Lesson in Dracut ~ EYE ON DRACUT

By: Brian Genest 9-23 If you think Dracut’s most rejected perennial candidate—nine-time loser Phil Thibault—couldn’t be any more bitter than he already is about being the town’s monumental loser, think again. This time, Dracut’s self-proclaimed perpetual victim Phil Thibault and his fruit loop friends are lamenting because he wasn’t appointed to a town board, again. […]

Twilight Zoning: By-Laws In Dracut

Twilight Zoning: By-Laws In Dracut

Philippe Thibault, 6-23 You can hear the iconic music all ready, can’t you: dee, dee, DEE, dee. Such is life in a small bucolic hamlet in northeastern Massachusetts, but appearances can be deceiving when the light is dim. A dim light from the twilight zone. Let us cast a brighter light on the zoning bylaw […]

Gini Kisses Massachusetts Goodbye

Gini Kisses Massachusetts Goodbye

By: Duncan Burns 3/23 Gini has told Massachusetts she’s leaving the state for good. Massachusetts Democrats looked at Gini and just shrugged and walked away. Democrats, especially those serving in The Massachusetts Legislature, as well as Congress, never really liked Gini anyways. Why do you ask? Maybe because no matter which way you slice things, […]

Conflict of Interest Torpedoes Thibault in Dracut ~ EYE ON DRACUT

Conflict of Interest Torpedoes Thibault in Dracut ~ EYE ON DRACUT

By: Brian Genest – 01-23 Here we go again: Cue the violins for Dracut’s self-proclaimed victim, Phil Thibault. This time, he’s lamenting because he was rejected by the Board of Selectmen for the newly created at-large seat on the Zoning Bylaw Review Committee—and he’s blaming everyone but himself, just like he always does. Meanwhile, the […]

Homestead Protection Error – An Open Letter to Governor Charlie Baker

Homestead Protection Error – An Open Letter to Governor Charlie Baker

September 7, 2021 VIA EMAIL COMMUNICATION The Honorable Charlie Baker Governor of Massachusetts Massachusetts State House Office of the Governor 24 Beacon Street, Rm. 280 Boston, MA 02133 RE: HOMEOWNER’S PLEA TO CORRECT EVIDENCED HOMESTEAD PROTECTION ERRORS Dear Governor Baker: My name is Mohan A. Harihar – I was born and raised in the Commonwealth […]

My Predictions for 2020 ~ PAYING ATTENTION with TOM DUGGAN

My Predictions for 2020 ~ PAYING ATTENTION with TOM DUGGAN

Jan. 2020 Methuen Councilor Jim McCarty will get pulled over by State Troopers for speeding on Route 213 and blame it on a conspiracy by former Methuen Mayor Sharon Pollard and Police Chief Joe Solomon. Newly elected member of the Gr. Lawrence Technical School Committee, Stephani Infante will continue to appropriate white culture by whitening […]

Tom Duggan’s Notebook ~ HEROES and BOZOS OF 2019

Tom Duggan’s Notebook ~ HEROES and BOZOS OF 2019

VALLEY PATRIOT BASH The Valley Patriot’s 16th Anniversary BASH! will be held at the Firefighter’s Relief In (2 Market St. in Lawrence) on March 27th. Tickets will be available on MARK YOUR CALENDAR. If you enjoy our news  coverage please consider making a $1 donation HEROES AND BOZOS OF 2019  HERO – SENATOR DIANA DIZOGLIO Newly […]

Outlaw Murder So There Will Be No More Death ~VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL, Aug, 2019

Outlaw Murder So There Will Be No More Death ~VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL, Aug, 2019

August, 2019 It has become comical watching feckless and ignorant politicians having knee- jerk reactions every time there’s a mass shooting. They trip over themselves to get in front of a TV camera to exploit murder victims for political gain before the bodies are even cold. Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren shamelessly took to twitter within […]