Would Reagan Be Too Liberal for Today’s GOP?

Would Reagan Be Too Liberal for Today’s GOP?

BY: LENNY MIRRA, STATE REPRESENTATIVE, (R) Newbury As we get closer to the 2016 elections we will start to see the media repeating a tired old trope about today’s Republican party being too extreme to get elected, the implication being that today’s GOP is so conservative, so right wing, that they are unelectable because they […]

A Repudiation of Liberalism?

A Repudiation of Liberalism?

By: Paul Murano – November, 2014 Although political conservatives are feeling relief after this month’s election, it should not turn into satisfaction. The American people have not repudiated any party or philosophy on principle; it was rather the Republican’s turn for the pendulum to swing in their direction. This pendulum has continued its back and […]

Don’t blame Massachusetts for New Hampshire’s Leftward Drift

Don’t blame Massachusetts for New Hampshire’s Leftward Drift

By: DJ Bettencourt – July, 2014 In New Hampshire politics there is a widely held but grossly inaccurate myth. For Republican believers in the myth, it is a source of significant resentment. For Democrats who believe this myth, it instills confidence. For decades, New Hampshire was a reliably Republican state. From 1960 to 2000, New […]

Lt. Colonel Allen West: Race, Poverty, and the Dependency Culture: PART II

READ PART 1 Valley Patriot publisher Tom Duggan (TD) and Greater Boston Tea Party President Christine Morabito (CM) interviewed Lt. Colonel and former Congressman Allen West (AW) during at the Nashua City Republican Committee’s annual Steak-Out in August. This is part two of that interview. TD: When we have Tea Party rallies I often talk […]

Liberals Are Not Liberal

Liberals Are Not Liberal

The word liberal has been perverted in American culture today.  Those who fought for and constructed the foundation of American society were liberal; those that identify themselves as liberal today act in contradiction to the true meaning of the word. The Cambridge Dictionary of American English defines a liberal as someone who respects many different […]

Out of Step?

  By: John McCormack – November, 2010 Boxford voters mirrored New Hampshire and the majority of the states in the November 2, 2010 midterm elections even as Massachusetts bucked the Republican wave along with the other New England states and other-worldly places like New York and California. Republican candidates swept all contested elections, even Secretary […]