Political Newcomer, Mallett Says Lawrence Will Not be a Sanctuary City if He’s Elected Mayor

Political Newcomer, Mallett Says Lawrence Will Not be a Sanctuary City if He’s Elected Mayor

40 year old Paul Mallett  says he wants to be mayor of Lawrence and ads that if he is elected Lawrence will not be a sanctuary city.  There are eight candidates on the ballot Tuesday in Lawrence seeking two nomination spots for the final election in November.  “I think basically we are a little too relaxed […]

With Lenny Degnan Convicted We Urge More Indictments ~ Valley Patriot Editorial (April, 2014)

With Lenny Degnan Convicted We Urge More Indictments ~  Valley Patriot Editorial (April, 2014)

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL For years we have called for investigations into what State Rep. Jim Lyons called the “criminal enterprise” of the Lantigua Administration in Lawrence. For years we have detailed in this newspaper the myriad of questionable and sometimes blatant criminal actions of those on the taxpayers dime at Lawrence City Hall. Now, Lantigua’s […]

Tsongas invites Lawrence Mayor Rivera to represent 3rd District at State of the Union

Tsongas invites Lawrence Mayor Rivera to represent 3rd District at State of the Union

  WASHINGTON, DC – Lawrence Mayor Dan Rivera will attend President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address in Washington, D.C. as the guest of Third District Congresswoman Niki Tsongas. Tsongas invited Rivera, who was recently sworn in as the new mayor for the City of Lawrence, to represent the Third District at the President’s […]

Now the Real Healing Begins!

Now the Real Healing Begins!

By: Peter Larocque – December 2013 Almost four years ago at the inauguration and installation of Mayor William Lantigua which had the atmosphere of a coronation of a king, the posture and disposition of his administration was unveiled. Then, State Representative Lantigua entered the auditorium from the back and walked through the crowd of loyal […]

Lawrence’s Mayor Lantigua Slams Getler, Happy Eagle Tribune fired Publisher

Lawrence’s Mayor Lantigua Slams Getler, Happy Eagle Tribune fired Publisher

By: Tom Duggan  Lawrence Mayor Willie Lantigua issues statement regarding the firing of Eagle Tribune publisher Al Getler saying that Getler was not ethical and purposely tried to discredit the image of the City of Lawrence. The Valley Patriot reported yesterday that Getler has been fired as the publisher of Eagle Tribune Publishing and former […]


VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL  August, 2o11 The number of underhanded tactics employed by Lawrence Mayor Willie Lantigua and his supporters against the efforts to gather signatures for his recall were staggering. And they weren’t shy about it. They even bragged about it on Facebook. On the pro- Lantigua webpage Yo No Firma (which means DO NOT SIGN), Lantigua supporters attacked […]

Five questions for Lawrence Mayor William Lantigua

By: Robert O’Koniewski, Esq. – January, 2010     As we go to print, the City of Lawrence stands on the threshold of history. On Monday, January 4, Lawrence state representative William Lantigua was sworn in as the city’s first elected mayor of Hispanic descent. As a newly elected mayor, however, Mr. Lantigua is now […]