Wise Men Still Seek Him

  By: Paul Murano , January, 2011 On December 29th on WHAV radio I wished the host of Paying Attention a Merry Christmas. Tom Duggan, the host, immediately informed me Christmas was over. So I took the opportunity to clarify this common misconception. While the secular world celebrates Christmas from the last bite of turkey […]

It’s not that simple

It’s not that simple

  By: Dani Langevin, Valley Patriot Lesbian Columnist – January, 2011 As an eighth grade teacher I see bullying almost on a daily basis. As a student I was at both ends of bullying. I remember bullying a boy in third grade because he was heavy and ran funny. In high school, I was bullied […]

MA. and N.H. Educators Attend Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island

By: Tom Duggan – December, 2010 Forty educators from various public schools in Massachusetts and Southern New Hampshire departed last month from Logan Airport under U.S. Marine escort and arrived at Beauford, South Carolina to attend Marine boot camp on Parris Island to observe and experience how the U.S. Government makes Marines. Two of the […]


  By; Dani Langevin – Lesbian Columnist – November, 2010 Public Displays of Affection (PDA), I see them all the time. Students hugging in the halls, people old and young holding hands, giving each other a quick kiss goodbye or the worst is those teens with little to no respect for themselves or anyone else […]

Shaky new standards for college readiness

  By: Sandra Stotsky – November, 2010 SPECIAL TO THE VALLEY PATRIOT “Dr. Ormsby is taking the month off to assess the existential meaning of the election results. He will return in December.” A mesmerizing phrase regularly rolls off the tongues of education experts these days. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan used it in a […]

Spaying and neutering is so important

PUPPY LOVE WITH KATE WHITNEY     By: PuppyGirl Kate Whitney – October, 2010 Spaying and neutering has become “the norm” for today’s pet owners, but how many of you do it because it’s “the right thing to do” and don’t really know why it is the right thing to do? For anyone that does […]

Eleven Commandments for Your Puppy

PUPPY LOVE WITH KATE WHITNEY   By: Kate Whitney – September, 2010 Happy fall! Where did the summer go? I don’t know about you, but I am really sad that summer is almost over; I’m not ready for cold weather just yet! I am, however, ready for the Patriots to get going and kick some […]

Lawrence finances take center stage in state senate race

  By: Tom Duggan – August, 2010 The race to replace State Senator Sue Tucker in the Second Essex District of Massachusetts has found the failed finances and financial mismanagement of the City of Lawrence at the center of this contentious campaign among both Democrat and Republican candidates. The Second Essex district is comprised of […]

EPA: Untreated Raw Sewage Flowing into Shawsheen

  By; Tom Duggan – June, 2010   The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has sent a letter to Lawrence DPW Director Frank McCann (right) informing the City of Lawrence that the EPA has first hand knowledge that the city is pumping wastewater (human waste) into the Shawsheen River. According to documents obtained by The Valley […]

Summer Tips for your Dogs & Puppies

Puppy Love with Kate Whitney     By: PuppyGirl Kate Whitney – June, 2010 Well June is finally here! By the time this paper goes to print, One Tail at a Time Rescue will have had two adoption days under wraps so far this year. I urge all of you to support any adoption days […]