Park This Way

Park This Way

By: Jeff Katz – April, 2015 There’s a great viral video going around that shows the worst job of parking a car in the history of parking cars. We see a silver Ford hybrid, which the driver attempts to pull in to an angled spot. So far, nothing out of the ordinary, but you need […]

The Issue of Islam

The Issue of Islam

By: Jeff Katz, March, 2105 The President recently delivered a powerful speech in which he called for a reformation within Islam. He pointed out over and over again, that certain parts of the Koran which call for Muslims to slaughter or conquer non-Muslims were simply outdated and needed to be consigned to the ash bin […]

The Truth About The Ferguson Shooting ~ Jeff Katz

The Truth About The Ferguson Shooting ~ Jeff Katz

By: Jeff Katz – December, 2014 There are quite literally thousands of interactions between citizens and law enforcement officers every single day in the United States. Unless you are the cop or the suspect in one of these situations, you’re not aware of them. Why? Because almost all of these incidences involve issues which are […]

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

By: Jeff Katz – August, 2014 As I sit down to write this month’s column for The Valley Patriot, I’ve just enjoyed a wonderful day. Early this morning I wished my oldest son Harry a happy birthday. Today he turned thirteen and I officially became the father of a teenager. In classic over achiever style […]

Real Heroes

Real Heroes

By: Jeff Katz – June, 2014 Memorial Day always reminds me of my favorite veteran, my Dad. While my Dad was long past his active duty days by the time that I came along, he often shared with me the lessons he gained as a result of his Army service. He spoke of honor, integrity, […]

This Time it Really is for the Children

This Time it Really is for the Children

By: Jeff Katz – April, 2014 According to a recent poll, more than seventy percent of us believe that that DCF is broken. I’m assuming that the other thirty percent work for DCF. Politicians routinely hoot and holler that something is “for the children.” They usually invoke that phrase when there is a piece of […]